Re: Hi folks (and some random thoughts)

Brian Crescimanno wrote:
> One of the main points of lack of usability is the current "bolt-on"
> feel of Nautilus and a browser.  Windows has seen success because the
> file manager and browser were integrated into the desktop.  Not only
> that, they were integrated with each other.  I think one of the main
> goals of the usability project, and of the Nautilus project as well,
> should be to really get Nautilus up to speed as an all purpose file
> manager...integrating it fully with mozilla rather than providing
> minimal support.

This is probably far down on the list for most Nautilus hackers. I've
got the impression that they are currently focusing on improving
performerance, fixing bugs and the like, and since many users are not
using Nautilus as their main web browser but rather mostly as a file
manager, the web browser component has very low priorities.
It has been discussed that Nautilus could instead of embedding Mozilla
directly embed a fully functional Mozilla-based web browser like Galeon,
but support for this has yet to be added in both Galeon and Nautilus.
And again, low priorities.
I'm sure that Nautilus developers are interested in your feedback on
Nautilus however, so my recommendation would be to also send mail to
nautilus-list lists eazel com with your thoughts.

> Also, the fuctionality of the file manager needs to extend down into all
> file management realms of the Desktop.  For example, when you attempt to
> open a file from an application, a window that looks like it's part of
> the file management system should open.  This window should also have
> basically the full functionality of the file manager (such as in windows
> or a mac when you are presented a list of files to open, it is presented
> in the "small icon" format with the ability to highlight and delete
> files, select multiple files, etc.  All this, from a small window that
> is basically just a small component of the file manager rather than a
> separate style window.

This is in the works, but rather as an application on top of gnome-vfs
directly than as an application on top of Nautilus. Web page:

> As far as the browser interface is concerned.  We should see if the
> Galeon developers might be interested in sharing some of their
> experience and knowledge to the Nautilus development team to help
> Nautilus develop a full configuration interface for their Mozilla
> widget.  Allowing the browser to be fully customizable will allow
> Nautilus to be used as an all purpose file manager / web browser..and
> the tight desktop integration will increase speed and application
> familiarity for users.

Ah. You thought about the same thing.
A minor but important difference would be that it is probably better to
use component technology than duplicating the code. But in general I
fully agree, using existing work from Galeon would be great.

> Another item we should consider addressing is creating a full definition
> for commonly used keyboard shortcuts (for example, make sure that
> ctrl-c, ctrl-v, etc) are available throughout all GNOME applications.
> Also, ensure that they are available across all GNOME applications so
> that you never have to worry about copying from one application to
> another.

I think this is in the works too. A mini GNOME Human Interface Guide
document is being worked on that will probably mention something about
keyboard shortcuts.

Ooops, must leave now for work...


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