[Tracker] How does tracker-miner-fs work?


I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature or it depends on my setup.

I have a folder (/home/user/development) with about 61G development
files, several projects, libraries, eclipse, intelij etc.

The problem is, after each boot the tracker-miners-fs is at 100% and is
mining and mining....

To test what goes on, I have killed tricker-miners-fs and started it
with -v 3 option. I left the notebook over night on. In the morning the
tracker-miner-fs was idle, as it managed to work through the complete
folder. I have killed the process ans started it again with -v 3 And it
begun again to index the entire folder from the beginning. But why,
nothing has been changed there? Another point is the settings option
"Index content in the background: Only when computer is not being used"
But it does not work as expected, at least I do not expect to see any
tracker process (and not at all at 100%), when I work with my IDE or do
some other things. So the question, what does this option mean? Why it
does not work as expected?

Right now

$ tracker daemon
19 Mär 2016, 13:07:49:  ✓     Store                   - Idle

19 Mär 2016, 13:07:49:    1%  File System    (PAUSED) - Crawling
recursively directory 'file:///home/lado/development'
19 Mär 2016, 13:07:49:  ✓     Applications            - Idle
19 Mär 2016, 13:07:49:  ✗     RSS/ATOM Feeds          - Not running or
is a disabled plugin
19 Mär 2016, 13:07:49:  ✓     Userguides              - Idle
19 Mär 2016, 13:07:49:  ✓     Extractor               - Idle
19 Mär 2016, 13:07:49:  ✗     Media                   - Not running or
is a disabled plugin

but the top shows 100% of CPU for tracker-miner-fs

I have killed right now all the tracker processes and started them with

tracked daemon -s

tracker daemon -f shows

19 Mär 2016, 13:09:55:    1%  File System             - Crawling single
directory 'file:///home/lado'
19 Mär 2016, 13:09:57:    1%  File System             - Crawling single
directory 'file:///home/lado/Desktop'
19 Mär 2016, 13:09:57:    1%  File System             - Crawling
recursively directory 'file:///home/lado/development'

and tracker-miner-fs is at 100%m crawling in the huge amount if files in
the development folder.

 My Home folder is mounted with
/dev/sda5 on /home type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,data=ordered)

My Version is 1.7.4 with gnome 3.18 under gentoo

With regards,


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