Re: [Tracker] What to do with libtracker-common?

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com> wrote:

    -> tracker-locale-gconfdbus.h
    -> tracker-locale.h
    -> tracker-meego.h

        Used to notify and keep track of local changes which is needed to
        re-create database collations because sorting can vary by locale
        (among other things).

        The -gconfdbus file is an implementation, which we might even be
        able to remove by now? *Is anyone using still using GConf?*

        The -meego file is use to translate and get the locale on Meego.
        *Is anyone still using Meego?* Would like to remove this.

Please let's remove this outdated stuff, I consider on-the-fly locale
change handling something unachievable today, no matter how much we tape
over it

It's a lot of code and I actually think the locale check (for consistency)
is a good one - any comment Aleksander?

I would happily drop the older gconf/meego stuff, but general locale
management is worth keeping I think.

The problem with the on-the-fly locale updates logic is that *all*
apps with direct access to the Tracker DB need to have the same locale
settings, so either all are restarted after the change or all apps
need to monitor a single location to get for those updates (it was
gconf in MeeGo). Changing Region & Language settings in the GNOME
control-center already asks for a session restart, and that's good
enough for Tracker...  so + 1 to remove all the on-the-fly locale
update support :)

But of course please don't touch the locale checks during init. We
still need to reload collation stuff whenever we detect a locale
update when Tracker processes are started.


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