Re: [Tracker] What to do with libtracker-common?

On 07/10/14 13:14, Carlos Garnacho wrote:

Hi Carlos,

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 11:55 AM, Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com
<mailto:martyn lanedo com>> wrote:


    Breakdown of libtracker-common

    -> tracker-config-file.h

        Used for all GSettings/configs, so libtracker-data, libtracker-fts,
        tracker-store, and the miners.

The only purpose of this nowadays is to ensure the transition from
keyfiles to gsettings, and will never be used after the keyfile is
migrated and deleted.

IMO we should remove this and fully trust on GSettings API. Right now it
can only hurt to people updating all the way from 0.8, and if any
embedded system wants to use Tracker and has a trouble with
gsettings/dconf, they will surely have the same problem with other parts
of the stack, and can just use a different GSettings backend.

OK, The TrackerConfigFile and TrackerKeyFile classes are now gone *AND* I've migrated the config to GKeyFileSettingsBackend for cases where we have TRACKER_USE_CONFIG_FILES defined in the environment.

I've also written a xslt template to create man pages from GSettings gschemas which seems to work quite nicely - so people can see what options are possible.

Relevant commit is here:


    -> tracker-file-utils.h

        Used to handle operations like getting file size, mtime, etc and
        also for locking files, calculating disk space remaining, etc. One
        important reason for APIs like tracker_file_open() is to make sure
        extractors open with O_NOATIME and to allow posix_fadvise() use

File locking should go, it's currently unused, and only plays well if
you respect the locks, so it really isn't as useful.


The rest of that file is quite hard to split. Most of the tracker_path_*() APIs can be just pushed to tracker-miner-fs where they're used, but the others like tracker_file_system_*() are used by libtracker-data and extractors, ...

We really need a central library for these sorts of things, and lower level than libtracker-data I would say. Unless it makes sense to import this API / module into libtracker-data?

    -> tracker-ioprio.h

        Set the I/O priority to be lower than normal to avoid disk
        clobbering. Used by tracker-extract and the miners.

        Could actually be in libtracker-miner.

I would think this is too specific API, I wouldn't expect any external
TrackerMiner to thrash the filesystem as massively as tracker-miner-fs does.

You make a fair point, but actually, it's used right now in:

  tracker-miner-fs (*)
  tracker-extract (*)

* = most heavy users.

They're all miners too.
It certainly doesn't belong in libtracker-common.

Carlos, I would like to put this in libtracker-miner under tracker-performance.[ch] where other things like this can exist. Depending on other APIs we migrate here, we could just put this in libtracker-miner-private.

If tracker-extract and tracker-miner-fs are kept in the same repo, that
could be private API between both though.

    -> tracker-keyfile-object.h

        Internal and used exclusively by tracker-config-file.h. So wherever
        that ends up, so should this module.

Exactly, I think it deserves the same end...

This has gone now.

    -> tracker-locale-gconfdbus.h
    -> tracker-locale.h
    -> tracker-meego.h

        Used to notify and keep track of local changes which is needed to
        re-create database collations because sorting can vary by locale
        (among other things).

        The -gconfdbus file is an implementation, which we might even be
        able to remove by now? *Is anyone using still using GConf?*

        The -meego file is use to translate and get the locale on Meego.
        *Is anyone still using Meego?* Would like to remove this.

Please let's remove this outdated stuff, I consider on-the-fly locale
change handling something unachievable today, no matter how much we tape
over it

It's a lot of code and I actually think the locale check (for consistency) is a good one - any comment Aleksander?

I would happily drop the older gconf/meego stuff, but general locale management is worth keeping I think.

    -> tracker-os-dependant.h

        The tracker_spawn*() API here is only used by libtracker-data and 2
        extractors, mplayer and ps (where we use gunzip, which is quite a
        bad way to do this).

I really don't know why the PS extractor isn't using poppler... I would
prefer us to stick to GStreamer and remove the mplayer module, it's
practically unused in any downstream, after that it can be moved to
libtracker-data, or just make it use g_spawn_async_with_pipes itself.

I will clean all of this up.

        The tracker_memory_setrlimits() is only used by tracker-extract and
        could be moved there directly or put in libtracker-extract.

Please let's just remove this, brings in enough grief.

Yea, there is a bug about this, so I will actually consider cgroups (as per the bug) as part of this change or removal.

Bug is here:


    Possible solutions


5. Move libtracker-common to a separate git module, set it up on the
relevant repos through git submodule, compile it statically in these
repos, and add a configure script to that submodule that fails and
points people to the right place(s).

I am not sure about git submodules for this. At this point, I am thinking about merging whatever is left into libtracker-data and of course libtracker-sparql needs that, so everyone gets it AFAICS.


Founder & Director @ Lanedo GmbH.

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