Re: [Tracker] libmediaart 0.5.0

On 28/07/14 17:45, Jens Georg wrote:

About libmediaart

Library tasked with managing, extracting and handling media art caches

Is this meant to become stable for the next Gnome release?

I am just doing release right now, I am not so interested in stability.
I've not really been so clear/tight on this point, but what I am concerned about is the API and how broken it is/was.

This is the first release to really make nasty API breaks, but also, I've heavily documented them so people know what they're there for.

I'm not promising stability yet because I know Bastien and others want some async APIs and I have yet to add those.

As for GNOME release ... I see no reason why not, I have been testing with this a lot lately and with Tracker today too - I've fixed a bunch of things and added a bunch of test cases too (which we didn't have before). So I think it's more tested and documented than it was and you at least know what is going on now with the GError reporting I've added. The plan is to make Tracker master (1.1.x) stable before the GNOME release date, which means GNOME would depend (in some way) on the libmediaart 0.5.0 work. I think there will be another release before then of libmediaart.


Founder & Director @ Lanedo GmbH.

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