Re: [Tracker] trackerbird fixes

Hi Martyn,

Yea, there is a bug about this:

I've been meaning to fix it, but I didn't get around to it.
It should be fairly easy to do, just don't create emails as nfo:Document.

OK, still trying to catch up with this kind of DB, but I can tell you
for sure that mails are inserted with

INSERT { GRAPH <urn:uuid:0aa84c52-396d-4c37-bc6c-8342699f810c>
{<imap-message://z108999_0-mnl xxxx/xxxxx> a nmo:Email,
nmo:MailboxDataObject; ...

so I think these are the proper types. Looking at I find that nmo:Email
inherits from nie:InformationalElement which happens to also have
nfo:Document as subclass, but this makes it a sibling to nmo:Email.

If I query the tracker db for items of type nfo:Document, however, I
also get the emails. Could it be that the inheritance relationships are
implemented wrongly in the tracker db?

 - Michael

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