Re: [Tracker] Removal of some modules before 0.16.0

Preferably, the photos app would maintain and keep the flickr miner 
itself ... since we like to be integrated as a project rather than have 
a seriously big code base with plugins for all projects out there. Is 
this a possibility?

Sure. Currently Documents carries the Google and SkyDrive miners.  At
some point Photos and Documents might end up sharing some of these
miners.  I don't know what would be the best way to do that. Ideas?

Also, when is Photos going to be in GNOME? 3.8? 3.10? Like the Calendar 
and Notes apps which I really can't wait for, they seem to be taking a 
while :)

Notes is already mentioned as a preview in the 3.8 release notes. I
got distracted this cycle with other things, but I am hoping to have a
preview of Photos for 3.8.


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