Re: [Tracker] Removal of some modules before 0.16.0

2013/3/13 Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>:
I would like to remove some of the cruft and unmaintained stuff in the
tracker code base to make things more lean. I plan on removing the
following. If I don't hear from people by the 15th. I will get started to
make it in time for the stable releases (18th).

- tracker-explorer/   (is anyone using this?)
- tracker-search-bar/ (no useful any more)
- utils/playlists/    (replicates what we do in tracker-extract AFAICS)
- utils/lyricks/      (doesn't seem to work any more)
- utils/webhistory/   (is this useful? maybe if turned into a plugin?)
- utils/data-generators/deprecated/
                      (this looks completely unused right now)
- utils/data-generators/barnum/
                      (AFAICT, we're not using this at all)

Any other suggestions?

Are the evolution bits working?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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