Re: [Tracker] Clues regarding improving performance of tracker-store

On 15/07/13 08:08, Jonatan PÃ¥lsson wrote:
On 12 July 2013 18:52, Ivan Frade <ivan frade gmail com> wrote:

  If you are not using email, that ontology will be translated into some
tables in the database but they are never touched. It should not make big
Aha, this is very good to know. It should mean I can keep several
flattened ontologies side-by-side them impacting each other
negatively. This is good!
Generally speaking, you want to aim for the least changes as possible to 
achieve what you want. That way you keep closer to upstream and have 
less maintenance burden.
What's not clear to me is your targets or if you're looking for 
optimisations out of curiosity.
What do you want to improve, query or insert times? Disk or memory 
usage, etc. etc. The list goes on. It's all possible, but you sacrifice 
something else when you do this.

Founder and CEO of Lanedo GmbH.

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