[Tracker] Clues regarding improving performance of tracker-store

Hi everyone,

I'm interested in a general speedup of indexing in Tracker, and have
therefore been running some performance profiling on tracker-extract,
tracker-miner-fs and tracker-store using OProfile. I found that a lot
of time is spent in the store compared to the other processes (in
rough numbers, it is along the lines of 70% time in store, 15% each
for the extractor and miner) according to OProfile. I was indexing MP3
files when I came up with these numbers.

In order to speed things up, I tried modifying the PRAGMA statements
sent to SQLite upon database initialization, but with no real success.

I'm looking for a discussion of what I can try in order to increase
performance of the store. For me, it seems logical that smaller /
simpler ontologies would yield a performance increase in scenarios
where it is possible to use such ontologies - for instance removing
ontologies related to E-mail when the system running Tracker does not
have E-mail capabilities.

Do you think slimming down the ontologies could yield a performance
boost for the store?

Is there support for altering the ontologies? I have seen
.ontology-files. It seems to me that these are the place to go.

The wording of [1] seems to indicate that there are more places in
Tracker where ontologies can be modified other than the .ontology
files. Am I reading this correctly, or are all ontology
related-matters handled through the .ontology files?

Finally, do you have any (possibly vague) clues as to what I can look
at in the store to improve its performance? Any suggestions are

Have a nice weekend everyone!

[1] https://wiki.gnome.org/Tracker/Documentation/SupportedOntologyChanges

Jonatan Pålsson

Pelagicore AB
Ekelundsgatan 4, 6th floor, SE-411 18 Gothenburg, Sweden

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