Re: [Tracker] tracker-extract crashes

Hi John,

On Tue, 2011-09-13 at 22:18 +0530, John stacy wrote:
I have looked more closely into the regarding
the mp3 crash I am having on my ubuntu. 
I thought it was working fine on Ubuntu and the issue only occurs on
your distribution?

I found out that I am getting g_convert error from the
convert_to_encoding() function. 
the Error message from the g_convert is :-   Conversion from character
set 'Windows-1252' to 'UTF-8' is not supported.

there by passing NULL to the "g_strsplit ()" function. 

To get the conversion support what do I have to do? do I require any
thing else? 
any special configuration options to the glib or libc to enable this
Windows-1252 is supported by default by iconv in glibc/eglibc. Are you
using a different libc or did you disable some parts of glibc/eglibc?


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