Re: [Tracker] RFC: UPnP mediaserver (ContentDirectory) miner

On 03/14/2011 12:50 PM, Martyn Russell wrote:
On 14/03/11 10:16, Jussi Kukkonen wrote:
On 03/11/2011 04:53 PM, Jens Georg wrote:

6. There is an indentation issue here, but also I think this should be
an nmm:MusicPiece AND nfo:Audio...

            else if (item.upnp_class.has_prefix
            nmm_type = "nmm:MusicPiece";

IMHO that's not exactly correct from an UPnP POV. nmm:MusicPiece should
be "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack", no?

On one hand I agree, things should only be marked music if we really
know they are music. On the other, I don't want to create a situation
where a media file ("object.item.audioItem") is hidden because I'm being
strict about the definition of "music"....

The problem is this: a tracker client looking for all music files can
search for "?music a nmm:MusicPiece" -- this works fine. If the client
wants _all_ audio files there is no equivalent as far as I can tell:
"?audio a nfo:Audio" will give you videos as well.

So I'm doing what other miners seem to be doing as well: marking
everything that looks like a audio file a nmm:MusicPiece.

Which miners?

Actually, extractors. As far as I can see all extractors that handle
audio do this: see tracker-extract-vorbis.c for an example.

I'm open to suggestions though, this is not a problem I've really spent
a lot of time thinking about...

It is true that some video files are marked as nfo:Audio, because they
do have audio and sometimes ONLY audio and a still picture (or no picture).

That's really up to the querying client to make sure they define what
they want. We should at least explain what the file accurately in the

That would mean using only "nfo:Audio" for anything that isn't
explicitly known to be a music file, and letting the clients figure out
which "nfo:Audio" files the user thinks of as audio and which as video?
 That's fine for me if you prefer it.

 - Jussi

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