Re: [Tracker] RFC: UPnP mediaserver (ContentDirectory) miner

On 03/11/2011 04:53 PM, Jens Georg wrote:

6. There is an indentation issue here, but also I think this should be 
an nmm:MusicPiece AND nfo:Audio...

                     else if (item.upnp_class.has_prefix ("object.item.audioItem"))
                     nmm_type = "nmm:MusicPiece";

IMHO that's not exactly correct from an UPnP POV. nmm:MusicPiece should
be "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack", no?

On one hand I agree, things should only be marked music if we really
know they are music. On the other, I don't want to create a situation
where a media file ("object.item.audioItem") is hidden because I'm being
strict about the definition of "music"....

The problem is this: a tracker client looking for all music files can
search for "?music a nmm:MusicPiece" -- this works fine. If the client
wants _all_ audio files there is no equivalent as far as I can tell:
"?audio a nfo:Audio" will give you videos as well.

So I'm doing what other miners seem to be doing as well: marking
everything that looks like a audio file a nmm:MusicPiece.

I'm open to suggestions though, this is not a problem I've really spent
a lot of time thinking about...

 - Jussi

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