Re: [Tracker] Can I write a proprietary plug-in to extract meta data from a private file format?

On 29/11/10 08:52, Lin, Mengdong wrote:
libtracker-extract is LGPL, can I write a proprietary plug-in for it
to handle a private file format (eg. a DRM file format) ?

Yes it is LGPL so you can use it with your closed source works. If you want to write an extractor for your own format, you can also make that closed, it doesn't matter, tracker-extract will work with ANY libraries found in the target location and this shouldn't infringe the licenses AFAIK.

Most (all?) public libraries are LGPL in tracker where we hope to be used by other projects open or closed. We changed that not so long ago to make things easier for others who want to use Tracker.


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