Re: [Tracker] search query syntax

On Tue, 2010-05-04 at 16:10 -0300, Zoho Vignochi wrote:
On Sun, 2010-05-02 at 15:49 -0300, Zoho Vignochi wrote:

So my questions are:
1. is this the correct mailing list to post these questions? 
2. can tracker-search understand REGEX directly or should i be using
tracker-sparql instead?

Thank you for your time,


Ok. Now i see. tracker-search always does fts. I do need to use
tracker-sparql. I got what i wanted with this query:

tracker-sparql -q "select ?name WHERE { ?x nfo:fileName ?name . FILTER
regex(?name, \".*N1.*txt$\") }"

i can change the regex pattern to get a list all the files i want.

My ultimate goal is to have a nautilus saved search for these regex
patterns but it seems like the tracker powered search in nautilus is fts only.


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