Re: [Tracker] Tracker and Zeitgeist

On 15/07/09 11:46, Richard Hughes wrote:
2009/7/15 Martyn Russell<martyn lanedo com>:
1. We need to (because of inotify) crawl the file system to set up monitors
right now. With the new work alexl and others are doing in the kernel with
FANotify, we should be able to avoid this in the future.

Yes, this should be good. I've also noticed bugs where tracker (or
beagle) use up all the inotify watches, which breaks all PolicyKit
applications nicely.

Note, we take the /proc inotify limit and only use MAX - 512 to allow other apps to use inotify too. We also should be using breadth monitors over depth monitors, so top most directories get monitor priority.


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