Re: [Tracker] about KMail support

Hi Tshepang,

El lun, 19-01-2009 a las 07:09 +0200, ext Tshepang Lekhonkhobe escribiÃ:

Is there KMail support in trunk? If so, does it enabling manually or
do we have auto-detection?

 There is no support for KMail at the moment. 

 Patches are welcome (none of the usual developers are using KMail ;).
There are two ways to implement it:

1) Writing an indexer-module (API documented, and usable without
compiling the whole tracker). To implement the API and parse the KMail
contents, there is the old code as example.

2) Copy in KMail something similar to our new evolution

 This would require some help from KMail developers. 



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