[Tracker] Research on using private DBus connections for tracker-indexer/extract


I've been investigating the usage of private peer-to-peer connections
between trackerd and tracker-indexer, and between tracker-indexer and

Things turn out to be quite more complicated, since we have to make
tracker handle the other peer disconnecting, (re)spawning it, etc...

From the latency point of view, IMHO things don't improve sufficiently
to compensate the extra complexity.

Wrt making tracker-indexer and tracker-extract "private" DBus-wise, I'd
better recommend making these drop petition that don't come from
org.freedesktop.Tracker, or just disable introspection and rename the
services as org.freedesktop.Tracker.Private.[Indexer|Extract], as the
miscellaneous gvfs services do.

Any opinions? I'm attaching my half-cooked patch in case anybody finds a
reason to continue with this.


Attachment: patch-use-private-bus
Description: Text Data

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