Re: [Tracker] Merge applet and main preferences dialogs

Il giorno mer, 11/02/2009 alle 12.31 +0000, Martyn Russell ha scritto:
Saleem Abdulrasool wrote:
On Tue, 10 Feb 2009, Luca Ferretti wrote: 

So, questions:
      * are you planning to merge them, maybe in a future release?
      * if not or in meantime, could you please take a look at bug
        564038 (fix "Preferences" vs "Indexer Preferences" in applet
Yeah, I have plans of merging both of them.  Again, waiting on information from
martyn about the file watching being dropped or not.
File watching being dropped?

Maybe he means some option in preferences :)

However, may I put a comment on closed bugs saying the merge will
happen, one day, or ever open a new bug to track this issue?

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