Re: [Tracker] Whitespace clean up

On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 09:50 +0000, Martyn Russell wrote:
First we need to decide on tabs vs spaces and where. I think last time 
this was discussed on IRC, people agreed to have spaces for function 
alignments and tabs for indentation. Do people still agree with this?

Is there any reason or advantage to use use tabs for indentation? Why
not using spaces for everything?

AFAIK, glib and gtk+ uses spaces for everything.

I would like to try to make sure this is the case in the code and at the 
same time remove any trailing white space. Choosing the right time for 
this is important too because we have some branches which are likely to 
have merge conflicts.

Currently active non-merged branches:


When makes sense to make these changes?

As Philip said, I'd change nothing that is already commited just to get
rid of tabs. Doing it the commit log history would be perverted. Rather,
I think that the new rule should be applied for new commits.

I'm wondering if some hook can be added in git so in the pre-commit that
hook can check if the new code follows the rule. IIRC, gstreamer have
some hook to check some issues before performing a commit.


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