Re: [Tracker] tracker

On Mon, 2009-04-27 at 12:19 -0700, Jin Suh wrote:
Hey the tracker community,

I built the new tracker-0.6.94. Thank you for all your hard work!
Let me ask you guys. I am a developer of a livecd. I used to use the

Hi :)

Yes there have been some really superb improvements since then!

What is the best way to start the new trackerd? I want to kick off the
command by a script not by a gnome.  

I see a couple of new binaries under /use/libexec/trackerxxx. Should I
start the trackerd and tracker-applet like the old ways? Thanks in

If you put in any user request, it will start the daemon for you. The
other common way to do this is to start tracker-applet. This will also
start trackerd for you. A simple call to tracker-status will also start
the daemon. 

The proper way is probably to use a user init script of some manner
which starts tracker using:


This will use the config in $HOME/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg to know
about start-up delays and logging verbosity. If you want to change that
by command line, you can use:

  ${libexec}/trackerd -v 2 -s 0

For example. See the --help for more information there. These options
overwrite the .cfg settings.


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