Re: [Tracker] [PATCH] Use odt2txt for indexing OpenOffice documents

2008/5/26 Jerry Tan <Jerry Tan sun com>:
but, Michael,
I just read the bug report, it seems that odt2txt can not handle
openoffice 1.x files,
and sxw2text can.

Not quite. odt2txt can handle OOo 1.x documents in general.
I stumbled upon a few OOo documents though (old ones, pre StarOffice
7), which odt2txt had problems with. This seems to be fixable though,
and the Debian maintainer of odt2txt tries to get that sorted out with
upstream, so future version of odt2txt can also handle those old OOo
documents (it seems to be, that those are documents which don't ship a
mimetype file in the archive).


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