Re: [Tracker] [Fwd: Plans for 0.7]

On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Martyn Russell <martyn imendio com> wrote:

Jamie McCracken wrote:

 > we will definitely expand hal support for removable media

 I have actually got a HAL patch which does this. There is one problem
 with the implementation of our HAL patch and the tracker design - it
 stores things based on file location. This is all well and good for a
 lot of things, but when it comes to removable media really you can't
 just count on the path. You really need to use the device ID which is
 HAL can tell us about.

 What is needed as far as I understand it, is to improve the database
 storage to include such information so we know if device foo mounted on
 /media/sdcard is actually the same as device bar which may also be
 mounted in the same place.

I know Beagle stores URLs, not file paths.  That would be one way to
solve it.  Then you could add a new scheme for removable media, for
example, media://<device id>/<file path>.

 This would greatly improve searching removable devices (after their
 initial indexing of course).

What I really want is to be able to search for removeable media that
isn't currently connected, so that I can index my removable media,
disconnect them and then easily find out what to reconnect once I need
it.  I'm not quite sure if that's obvious or not.

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