Jamie and All, The patch for explicit apply is ready for review. Summary: [1] Functions throttle_changed_cb() spin_value_changed_cb() and check_toggled_cb() are removed since they are for instant apply. And the also the signal connect calls are removed. [2] Rename action button "Close" to "Apply", add buttons "Cancel" and "OK" in glade file. [3] Rename tracker_preferences_cmd_close() to tracker_preferences_cmd_apply() to do save configuration and send changes. Only send change when the value of key are different with before one. [5] Add funtion str_slist_equal() to check changes for list key like /Watches/WatchDirectoryRoots, /Watches/CrawlDirectory, /Watches/NoWatchDirectory and /Indexing/NoIndexFileTypes. [4] Add function tracker_preferences_cmd_cancle() and tracker_preferences_cmd_ok() Cheers, Halton. On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 10:00 -0500, Jamie McCracken wrote:
the settings by the nature mix both types however instant apply does not make sense for stuff that requires a reindex or restart as you might wanna change several settings before triggering the restart/reindex I guess it needs to be consistent so explicit apply with an apply button should be done for the whole window Halton - feel free to tidy it up this way jamie
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