Re: [Tracker] track only postscript and pdfs?

2008/4/15, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel kamstrup gmail com>:
On 15/04/2008, Michael Biebl <mbiebl gmail com> wrote:
008/4/11, Parker Jones <zoubidoo hotmail com>:


 I'd like to use tracker to monitor only pdf's and postscript files.  Is
this possible?
 At the moment, I ignore a number of extensions *.doc *.html *.png  etc,
 but the ignore list is getting too long and still too many files are
getting tracked.

I think this should be  doable:
We should not only have a blacklist of file extenstions, but also a
Then add * in the blacklist and *.pdf and *.ps to the whitelist. The
whitelist should have a higher priority then the blacklist. I'd say
(without looking at the code), that this could be fixed easily.
 Or go old-school and just make a list of regexps..? Then one could simply
write a not-pdf-or-ps blacklist regexp.

Would be an option. But do you think this would be intuitive for the
average user?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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