Re: [Tracker] trackerd running when I didn't start it?

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
mike wrote:
Do you think it would be tidier if when trackerd
wasn't running when tracker-* is started, that maybe
trackerd shouldn't be left running after they're closed?

It shouldn't probably start at all (unless e.g. your changes need a reindex and
it asks you if you want it to do it now), but that may be a design limitation...

Well, actually, with the new work we are doing to split the tracker
daemon and indexing into separate processes, it will be even cheaper to
keep trackerd running. It will mostly just be sitting there waiting for
requests from tracker-search-tool et al.

Tracker should definitely be running unless you don't want new files and
files recently changed to be immediately on demand when searching.

Also, trackerd needs to be running for ANY information lookups, so yes,
it should start in any case pretty much.


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