[Tracker] LibTracker need enhancement?

Hello list,

I've spotted this new about GFileChooser [1]

The good news :

It's possible to search directly from the Filechooser and if tracker is
available on the system, is taken to search.
(Don't know the priority between beagle and tracker)

The not so good news:

The library of tracker is not good as the beagle one.
I think this is a major point.

I'm wondering if Xesame is going to cover also this part, and tracker is
going to implement this part, or if tracker can just take some ideas
from the beagle library, that seems to be well suited from the task.

More over, could be quite cool if the RoadMap [2] can be decided a
little bit to give an idea of what are the future plan.

[1] http://log.emmanuelebassi.net/archives/2007/05/company-calls/
[2] http://live.gnome.org/Tracker/Roadmap


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