Re: [Tracker] tracker command line tools; pretty messy...

On 7/23/07, jamie <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
On Mon, 2007-07-23 at 01:41 +0200, Marcus Fritzsch wrote:
> As I now can search my ~/.purple chatlogs i tried it with
> tracker-search from my loved zsh and found it being buggy. The same
> holds for tracker-files and tracker-query. I am preparing a patch but
> I am not sure if we want to commit this before release.
> Another issue, the command line tools tracker-files and
> tracker-meta-folder do not behave consistently regarding command line
> options and --help.
> Yet another one, I think a better name for tracker-meta-folder would
> be tracker-directory-meta or something alike ;)
> So, shall I fix the service issues? Someone wants to take care of the
> command line behavior as that's not well known by myself.

fixing the service issues should be trivial so pls go ahead - leave the
rest til later

OK, here it is.

* converted strcasecmp to g_ascii_strcasecmp in tracker_service_name_to_type
* added an extra test for "Other" to spit out a warning about unknown
service (module specific, not in tracker_service_name_to_type).

Regarding the tracker.c change I tested it with t-s-t and it showed
normal behaviour.


Attachment: tracker-r702-client-services.patch
Description: Text Data

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