Re: [Tracker] Some Questions

On Sat, 2007-01-06 at 14:12 +0000, Jamie McCracken wrote:
B Berteh wrote:
Jamie McCracken a Ãcrit :
also note the website is now :
sadly this resolves to ... which
makes me think Tracker is a gnome-only project. If possible I'd prefer
the gnome url to remain hidden.

me too but not sure how?
Yeah, I looked in the website module and confirmed they are not
hardcoded. This is a setup issue on the gnome side. The domain just sets
to their dns.

I think best plan is to move to FD.O on the site...ugh...could move all
infrastructure to save having to have multiple usernames/passwords and
maintaining that. I would recommend it now rather than later...we should
get this sorted out...its confusing ;)

Jamie, thanks so much for doing all this work on admin stuff...hopefully
once its opened up a bit more, myself and others can help out and remove
stress/time off you...


Jon Phillips

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