Re: [Tracker] fd.o compliant thumbnailing

On Sat, 2007-01-06 at 14:58 +0000, Jamie McCracken wrote:
Erlend Davidson wrote:

That would require a whole standard for thumbnailers... the thunar ones 
take three or four command-line arguments (input file, size, output file 
and optionally the URI of the file), this should be sufficient, but 
someone might want more and then the standard would break.
not really the same arguments are used by gnome in its gconf based 
thumbnailers so its already a de facto standard. (A;though I dont know 
what KDE uses?)

Incidently tracker uses the same command-line arguments as thunar for 
thumbnailers.  Coud you possibly change tracker to use the same 
directory as thunar?
thats my point - the only thing not standardised is the location of the 
scripts and thats why a freedesktop specified location would be 
preferred by tracker.

In the short term, I can of course check for gnome thumbs using 
GConfTool (which does not require linking in GConf) and as you say the 
thunar directory if it exists so patches welcome for that.

feel free to add a bugzilla enhancement request 
( to tracker and I will get round to it 
eventually if no patch is forthcoming
Yeah, fd.o really needs a standard directory of these standards. I


That would be extensible and useful by all apps. It would be a good
proposal and I'm sure they have thought of it and/or would be into it.


Jon Phillips

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