Re: [Tracker] Web page suggestion

On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 16:11 +0100, Fredrik Blom wrote:

I have a question/suggestion to the Tracker web developers. How about
designing the page so that it doesn't use the screen width as the page
width and instead use the window width as the page with? The Tracker
site looks really ugly if you have it in a smaller window rather than
using a maximised window. Not everyone runs their browser in a maximised
window all the time, just so you know.

Sorry if the mail came off as rude. It was not my intention, but I do
think web developers should try their pages with different window sizes,
not just different resolutions.
Please provide a patch for consideration :)

You can track down the web module through the website,



Fredrik Blom
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tracker-list gnome org
Jon Phillips

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