Re: [Tracker] tracker-list Digest, Vol 18, Issue 36

On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 20:08 +0200, Haim Roitgrund wrote:
I run Ubuntu Feisty with the repo's Tracker 0.5.4.

While Tracker works just fine now, tracker-preferences doesn't exist:

:~$ tracker-preferences
bash: tracker-preferences: command not found
jackn itamar :~$ tracker-search italy
in Europe-great.doc
papers/BTS-topics/BTS00-labour-GREEN/bondage in Europe-great.doc

Is there something I can do to get it?
Do I need to get a package I don't already have (tracker,
tracker-search-tool and tracker-utils)? 



tracker-preferences is in 0.6.0 + only (currently in gutsy)

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