Re: [Tracker] System tray icon and monitor

John Stowers wrote:

It sounds good but cant of course comment til I get it working :)

I have added to cvs in python/applet

It worked fine for me in edgy just by running it. Needs python dbus
bindings installed, and must be run from the dir with the svg icon in

I did all that but I it just turns my cursor into a cross when I run it???

Would there be any value / interest in having something like this in
trackerd? (written in C, and conditionally compiled in of course)

It should ideally be integrated into a c based config applet which can activate tracker if its not running.

I often open a terminal with tail --follow tracker.log to see whats happening.

The applet could display an icon depending on the daemons status
* Flushing data
* Indexing / Extracting metadata
* Sleeping
And perhaps a % complete indicator (23 / 234 files indexed (xx%)) or something

last one of those could be tricky as we are recursively indexing so wont necessary have the total. But the rest are easy to implement in dbus

Mr Jamie McCracken

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