Re: [Tracker] [Patch] Tracker deb and libc6 in Debian Etch

Laurent Aguerreche wrote:

thanks applied but only rules was updated - please let me know if any of the following need adding to cvs in debian folder:

? tracker-utils.substvars
? tracker-utils
? tracker
? tmp
? libtrackerclient0.substvars
? libtrackerclient0.postrm.debhelper
? libtrackerclient0.postinst.debhelper
? libtrackerclient0-dev
? libtrackerclient0

All these files/directories are generated during debian package

Files which need to be removed :
* manpage.sgml.ex  (not used...)
* tracker.postinst.debhelper, tracker.postrm.debhelper  (generated
during building)
* files "*~", they are backups from emacs for instance...

okay thanks - I did not have those files locally but have removed them so they should not be visible in

Mr Jamie McCracken

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