Re: [Tracker] runtime checking for tracker availability

2006/10/20, Edward Duffy <eduffy gmail com>:
Until dbus 0.9+ makes into most distros, you can check the lock file

# lsof ~/.Tracker/${USER}_tracker_lock

this'll return 0 if trackerd is running by ${USER}, 1 otherwise.

Oh, perhaps I was unclear. I need to check if tracker is _installed_ (I could check for existence of ~/.Tracker but that dir only exists if trackerd has been run). I can check if trackerd is _running_ by dbus.NameHasOwner("org.freedesktop.Tracker"). I could manually scan the $PATH for trackerd but that seems unelegant...


On 10/19/06, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel kamstrup gmail com> wrote:
> Is there an easy *clean* way to check if tracker is installed at runtime? I
> thinking here namely on the deskbar handler which needs to do this.
> I have been playing around with some dbus stuff. I need a call to check
> whether tracker is available without starting it (via dbus activation)!
> dbus.bus.ListActivatableNames was added in dbus 0.91.0 but edgy only has
> 0.70.0...
> Cheers,
> Mikkel
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