Re: [Tracker] Using infrastructure for tracker

Jon Phillips wrote:

"We do request that applicants have submitted a reasonable number of patches to an existing maintainer, or bugzilla reports before they request direct commit access."

Im not sure how many is reasonable but its probably more than one or two?

shall we say 3 big ones or 6 medium ones or 12 smallish/trivial ones

I think we should lower this and make it more reasonable until we get
more contributors. I think we should make it similar to how its setup in We should require 2 patches and then support an
application for access to CVS. This makes it simpler for wanna-be
contributors and also will require us to work with patch submitters to
meet the standard for the codebase.

This works super awesome for several of my projects and highly support

(anybody who feels they already qualify and want cvs write access then let me know)

I need to practice what I preach and submit 2 patches ;)

well okay 2 big patches (or 4 medium, 6 small) will get you a cvs account.

Hopefully thats reasonable enough so I wont get me in trouble with the gnome accounts team :)

Mr Jamie McCracken

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