Re: [Tracker] anyone using Tracker outside Debian and Ubuntu?

On 11/15/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
David Nielsen wrote:
> ons, 15 11 2006 kl. 09:26 +0200, skrev Tshepang Lekhonkhobe:
>> Hi,
>> It's interesting to note that I haven't heard of anyone using Tracker
>> outside Debian and Ubuntu, even considering that the project is one
>> year-old. What's going on?
> Tracker is available on a number of other distros, personally I use it
> on Fedora where it's just been added to the Extras repo. There is also
> talk about using it by default for FC7, Jamie might be interested in
> partaking in that to avoid technical falacies being uttered.

is that for technical reasons or is it something to do with redhat
preferring non-novell apps in wake of MS pact?

if its technical only then I will partake (let me know where - which
mailing list)

I dont want to encourage a boycott of novell's stuff as it will
obviously look like im exploiting the issue for my own gain. I will GPL3
tracker though once that license is ready :)
Either way, this looks like a positive gain for the community --
Tracker is superior anyways, isn't it :-)
About GPL v3, this might raise issues with other FLOSS hackers who
would dislike such a move, specifically Linux kernel hackers. I don't
know the differences between v2 and v3, but what I gather so far is
that v3 is controversial.

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