Re: [Tracker] Can't search by filename?

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:

With or without the typo? :-D Nonetheless "grep 'database please wait' ~/.Tracker/*" didn't return anything, so you're prolly right.

the log file gets overwritten when you restart trackerd so dont expect it there

after first index run you should see following (note flush to 0 words):

Please wait while remaining data is flushed to the inverted word index. This may take some time...
flushing data (6586 words left) - please wait
flushing data (5586 words left) - please wait
flushing data (4586 words left) - please wait
flushing data (3586 words left) - please wait
flushing data (2586 words left) - please wait
flushing data (1586 words left) - please wait
flushing data (586 words left) - please wait
flushing data (536 words left) - please wait
flushing data (486 words left) - please wait
flushing data (436 words left) - please wait
flushing data (386 words left) - please wait
flushing data (336 words left) - please wait
flushing data (286 words left) - please wait
flushing data (236 words left) - please wait
flushing data (186 words left) - please wait
flushing data (136 words left) - please wait
flushing data (86 words left) - please wait
flushing data (66 words left) - please wait
flushing data (46 words left) - please wait
flushing data (26 words left) - please wait
flushing data (21 words left) - please wait
flushing data (16 words left) - please wait
flushing data (11 words left) - please wait
flushing data (10 words left) - please wait
flushing data (9 words left) - please wait
flushing data (8 words left) - please wait
flushing data (7 words left) - please wait
flushing data (6 words left) - please wait
flushing data (5 words left) - please wait
flushing data (4 words left) - please wait
flushing data (3 words left) - please wait
flushing data (2 words left) - please wait
flushing data (1 words left) - please wait
flushing data (0 words left) - please wait
All data has been flushed - waiting for new file events...
preferred bucket count is 56108
no of buckets per division is 7013
Please wait while optimization of indexes takes place...
Index has file size 10072253 and bucket count of 147416 of which 46683 are used... Index has been successfully optimized to file size 9564349 and with bucket count of 57272 of which 35695 are used...

Mr Jamie McCracken

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