Re: [Tracker] Tracker & Creative Commons

Jaime Frutos Morales wrote:

I'm new to this list, so first I would like to greet everybody and
thank Jamie for his great piece of software.

I'm interested in integrating Creative Commons licenses[1] into
Tracker. I've read metadata spec[2] and I have some questions:

1. Are there other freedesktop's metadata specs apart from that?

Not that I know of.

2. This specification defines the following built-in classes:
    - File
    - Audio
    - Doc
    - Image

    Are other classes like Video going to be included in this list?

possibly. There will also be non-file based classes for emails, contacts etc.

3. I've looking for a license field in all classes and I have just
found "Image.Copyright" in the Image one. Do the rest of the classes
have a license field? Is it going to be included?

Im afraid the only license field thats embedded in metadata as a standard is the Exif one for images. If you know of any others that embed them (like music stuff) then please let me know.

Not all images will have a copyright of course.

Mr Jamie McCracken

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