Re: [Fwd: Re: [Tracker] First time user on FreeBSD with some troubles]

On 4/26/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
Aron Stansvik wrote:
On 4/24/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
Aron Stansvik wrote:

If I start having problems again I'll bring out valgrind/gdb for a run over.
I would still like to solve the problem if possible - I guess file
handles must be the problem.

I will do some more testing with huge directories then, right now I'm
a bit busy at work though, since I'll be going on a trip tomorrown
night (back Sunday again).

I have checked the file handles and I no longer believe this to be the


As you are on FreeBSD, I take it you are using FAM for file notification
(all the linux users like myself are using inotify). One of the problems
with FAM is that it does not scale and on linux trying to watch more
than ~500 directories causes the app to hang (cause FAM is crap!).

Yea I haven't heard good things about FAM in the past either. I'm
using the Gamin FAM implementation, which in turn I think is using
kqueue on FreeBSD.

In tracker, we limit FAM to watching 400 directories so this hang
situation does not occur (additional directories are manually polled
every 15 minutes once the 400 limit has been reached). However on
FreeBSD, FAM might be even less scalable than on Linux and that might be
why it hangs (your stdout shows it hanging after watching 175
directories). If you could verify this it would help a lot as I dont
have freeBSD (try watching less than 175 directories and watching say
200 and see when it hangs). If you could get me a reliable figure of how
many directories FAM can watch without hanging then i can modify the
directory watch limit in tracker.

I will do that. At the moment I'm pretty swamped though, it will have
to be after my trip this weekend.

One of the things that has stopped me proposing it to KDE is that Im not
a c++ programmer so I couldn't really integrate it without some help.

Sorry to say it but that makes two of us :/ I mean I've programmed a
bit C++, but I would not call myself a C++ programmer. And furthermore
I'm pretty green on the KDE platform too.

That said I will give a kioslave for Tracker an honest shot. These
kioslaves seems to be quite simple creatures after all. Are there any
other KDE users/developers on this list?

Hmm if its just a kio slave then I should be able to do that (a nice QT
app in c++ to display results would be another matter!)

Okay.. another matter indeed, not sure I'd pull that off without some
serious assistance. I might give it a try though.

Perhaps Python/QT for the latter (although I think Mikkel is more a
PyGTK programmer?)

And I'm a Ruby nuthead ;)


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