Re: mail notification using tinymail

El lun, 02-08-2010 a las 09:43 -0700, Steve Rosen escribió:

> All in all, I have found using the tinymail library a little bit
> non-intuitive at first, but once you start to grasp the overall
> architecture, it makes perfect sense and is actually fairly easy
> to use - the developers did a very good job of layering and also
> partitioning the logic that is needed to develope a very nice 
> email client - kudos to them for that!  But the documentation is,
> shall we say, a little bit lacking.  However, the code is pretty
> clean - and not very difficult to follow - you just have to spend
> a little bit of time reading code and drawing a few diagrams!

	If you have good diagrams, we would be really happy to get them
contributed. Also, any small case description you want to contribute (as
you did in your mails) would fit in the project wiki.

	Also, I'm slowly moving wiki contents to Gitorious. So, if you wish to
add new content already in the new wiki (or update or modify anything
you feel you should change) we'll be also happy.

	The gitorious wiki is:

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