Re: Patch: new TnyCamelHtmlToTextStream

Hi Dape!

>>>>> "Dape" == Jose Dapena Paz <jdapena igalia com> writes:

    Dape> [1 <text/plain; UTF-8 (quoted-printable)>] Hi,

    Dape> 	This patch adds a new object, TnyCamelHtmlToTextStream, that
    Dape> wraps a stream we expect to contain html format, and outputs that
    Dape> html format converted to plain text.

Do you actually convert HTML to plain text? Or is it just the raw-HTML as
text? It seems non-trivial to convert HTML to plain text.

Best wishes,

Dirk-Jan C. Binnema                  Helsinki, Finland
e:djcb djcbsoftware nl 
pgp: D09C E664 897D 7D39 5047 A178 E96A C7A1 017D DA3C

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