Patches: plain list store and show paths parameter


	Following recommendations from Philip, I prepared two patches for plain
list store and full path view:
	* First patch just adds the show path flag support in the gtk folder
store based on tree store.
	* Second patch adds a parallel implementation of folder store based on
a GtkListStore, to implement the plain view.

Changelog for first patch (show full path in gtk folder store model
* libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model.[ch]:
  Added support for settings construction flags. Also added a flag
  "show path" for the tree model, that makes it store the full path 

Changelog for the second patch (gtk foldest list store patch):
* Added new TnyGtkFolderListStore, implementing a plain model (no tree)
  for the folder store.
José Dapena Paz <jdapena igalia com>
Index: libtinymailui-gtk/
--- libtinymailui-gtk/	(revisión: 3824)
+++ libtinymailui-gtk/	(copia de trabajo)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 	tny-gtk-header-list-model.h \
 	tny-gtk-account-list-model.h \
+	tny-gtk-folder-list-store.h \
 	tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model.h \
 	tny-gtk-attach-list-model.h \
 	tny-gtk-text-buffer-stream.h \
@@ -37,6 +38,9 @@
 	tny-gtk-image-mime-part-view.c \
 	tny-gtk-attachment-mime-part-view.c \
 	tny-gtk-msg-window.c \
+	tny-gtk-folder-list-store.c \
+	tny-gtk-folder-list-store-iterator-priv.h \
+	tny-gtk-folder-list-store-iterator.c \
 	tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model.c \
 	tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model-iterator-priv.h \
 	tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model-iterator.c \
Index: libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store.c
--- libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store.c	(revisión: 0)
+++ libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store.c	(revisión: 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,1500 @@
+/* libtinymailui-gtk - The Tiny Mail UI library for Gtk+
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Philip Van Hoof <pvanhoof gnome org>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with self library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+ * TnyGtkFolderListStore:
+ *
+ * A #GtkTreeModel for #TnyFolderStore instances that'll become #TnyFolderStoreObserver
+ * and #TnyFolderObserver (in case the #TnyFolderStore instance is a #TnyFolder
+ * too) of each added #TnyFolderStore and each of its children en grandchildren
+ * (recursively).
+ *
+ * It's based on the implementation of #TnyGtkFolderListTreeModel, but it stores
+ * folders and accounts in a #GtkListStore, using a plain representation.
+ *
+ * It will detect changes in the instance's tree structure this way and it will
+ * adapt itself to a new situation automatically. It also contains columns that
+ * contain certain popular numbers (like the unread and the total counts of
+ * #TnyFolder instances).
+ *
+ * Note that a #TnyGtkFolderListStore is a #TnyList too. You can use the
+ * #TnyList API on instances of this type too.
+ *
+ * Note that you must make sure that you unreference #TnyFolderStore instances
+ * that you get out of the instance column of this type using the #GtkTreeModel
+ * API gtk_tree_model_get().
+ *
+ * free-function: g_object_unref
+ **/
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
+#include <tny-list.h>
+#include <tny-iterator.h>
+#include <tny-folder.h>
+#include <tny-folder-store.h>
+#include <tny-simple-list.h>
+#include <tny-merge-folder.h>
+#include <tny-store-account.h>
+#include <tny-folder-store-change.h>
+#include <tny-folder-store-observer.h>
+#include <tny-folder-change.h>
+#include <tny-folder-observer.h>
+#include <tny-gtk-folder-list-store.h>
+#include "tny-gtk-folder-list-store-iterator-priv.h"
+#define PATH_SEPARATOR " "
+static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
+typedef void (*listaddfunc) (GtkListStore *list_store, GtkTreeIter *iter);
+static void 
+add_folder_observer_weak (TnyGtkFolderListStore *self, TnyFolder *folder)
+	if (TNY_IS_FOLDER (folder)) {
+		tny_folder_add_observer (folder, TNY_FOLDER_OBSERVER (self));
+		self->fol_obs = g_list_prepend (self->fol_obs, folder);
+	}
+static void 
+add_folder_store_observer_weak (TnyGtkFolderListStore *self, TnyFolderStore *store)
+	if (TNY_IS_FOLDER_STORE (store)) {
+		tny_folder_store_add_observer (store, TNY_FOLDER_STORE_OBSERVER (self));
+		self->store_obs = g_list_prepend (self->store_obs, store);
+	}
+static void 
+remove_folder_observer_weak (TnyGtkFolderListStore *self, TnyFolder *folder, gboolean final)
+	if (TNY_IS_FOLDER (folder)) {
+		if (!final)
+			self->fol_obs = g_list_remove (self->fol_obs, folder);
+		tny_folder_remove_observer (folder, (TnyFolderObserver *) self);
+	}
+static void 
+remove_folder_store_observer_weak (TnyGtkFolderListStore *self, TnyFolderStore *store, gboolean final)
+	if (TNY_IS_FOLDER_STORE (store)) {
+		if (!final)
+			self->store_obs = g_list_remove (self->store_obs, store);
+		tny_folder_store_remove_observer (store, (TnyFolderStoreObserver *) self);
+	}
+static void
+recurse_folders_sync (TnyGtkFolderListStore *self, 
+		      TnyFolderStore *store, 
+		      const gchar *parent_name)
+	TnyIterator *iter;
+	TnyList *folders = tny_simple_list_new ();
+	/* TODO add error checking and reporting here */
+	tny_folder_store_get_folders (store, folders, self->query, TRUE, NULL);
+	iter = tny_list_create_iterator (folders);
+	if (parent_name == NULL)
+		parent_name = "";
+	while (!tny_iterator_is_done (iter))
+	{
+		GtkTreeModel *mmodel = (GtkTreeModel *) self;
+		GtkListStore *model = GTK_LIST_STORE (self);
+		GObject *instance = G_OBJECT (tny_iterator_get_current (iter));
+		GtkTreeIter tree_iter;
+		TnyFolder *folder = NULL;
+		TnyFolderStore *folder_store = NULL;
+		GtkTreeIter miter;
+		gboolean found = FALSE;
+		GObject *mark_for_removal = NULL;
+		if (instance && (TNY_IS_FOLDER (instance) || TNY_IS_MERGE_FOLDER (instance)))
+			folder = TNY_FOLDER (instance);
+		if (instance && (TNY_IS_FOLDER_STORE (instance)))
+			folder_store = TNY_FOLDER_STORE (instance);
+		if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (mmodel, &miter))
+		  do
+		  {
+			GObject *citem = NULL;
+			TnyIterator *niter = NULL;
+			gtk_tree_model_get (mmodel, &miter, 
+				&citem, -1);
+			if (citem == instance)
+			{
+				found = TRUE;
+				if (citem)
+					g_object_unref (citem);
+				break;
+			}
+			/* We search whether this folder that we have in the 
+			 * model, still exists in the actual list. Because if
+			 * not, it probably got removed remotely (and we need
+			 * to get rid of it in the model now) */
+			niter = tny_list_create_iterator (folders);
+			while (!tny_iterator_is_done (niter))
+			{
+				TnyFolder *ifound = TNY_FOLDER (tny_iterator_get_current (niter));
+				if (citem == (GObject *) ifound) {
+					if (mark_for_removal)
+						g_object_unref (mark_for_removal);
+					mark_for_removal = g_object_ref (ifound);
+				}
+				g_object_unref (ifound);
+				tny_iterator_next (niter);
+			}
+			g_object_unref (niter);
+			if (citem)
+				g_object_unref (citem);
+		  } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (mmodel, &miter));
+		/* It was not found, so let's start adding it to the model! */
+		if (!found)
+		{
+			gchar *name;
+			gtk_list_store_append (model, &tree_iter);
+			/* Making self both a folder-store as a folder observer
+			 * of this folder. This way we'll get notified when 
+			 * both a removal and a creation happens. Also when a 
+			 * rename happens: that's a removal and a creation. */
+			if (folder)
+			{
+				/* This adds a reference count to folder too. When it gets removed, that
+				   reference count is decreased automatically by the gtktreestore infra-
+				   structure. */
+				add_folder_observer_weak (self, folder);
+				if (self->flags & TNY_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE_FLAG_SHOW_PATH) {
+					if ((parent_name == NULL) || *parent_name == '\0') {
+						name = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (folder));
+					} else {
+						name = g_strconcat (parent_name,
+								    PATH_SEPARATOR,
+								    tny_folder_get_name (folder), 
+								    NULL);
+					}
+				} else {
+					name = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (folder));
+				}
+				gtk_list_store_set  (model, &tree_iter,
+					name,
+					tny_folder_get_unread_count (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
+					tny_folder_get_all_count (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
+					tny_folder_get_folder_type (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
+					folder, -1);
+			} else {
+				name = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (folder));
+			}
+			/* it's a store by itself, so keep on recursing */
+			if (folder_store) {
+				add_folder_store_observer_weak (self, folder_store);
+				recurse_folders_sync (self, folder_store, name);
+			}
+			g_free (name);
+			/* We're a folder, we'll request a status, since we've
+			 * set self to be a folder observers of folder, we'll 
+			 * receive the status update. This makes it possible to
+			 * instantly get the unread and total counts, of course.
+			 * 
+			 * Note that the initial value is read from the cache in
+			 * case the account is set offline, in TnyCamelFolder. 
+			 * In case the account is online a STAT for POP or a 
+			 * STATUS for IMAP is asked during the poke-status impl.
+			 *
+			 * This means that no priv->folder must be loaded, no
+			 * memory peak will happen, few data must be transmitted
+			 * in case we're online. Which is perfect! */
+			if (folder)
+				tny_folder_poke_status (TNY_FOLDER (folder));
+			if (mark_for_removal) {
+				g_object_unref (mark_for_removal);
+				mark_for_removal = NULL;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (mark_for_removal) {
+				g_object_unref (mark_for_removal);
+				mark_for_removal = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		g_object_unref (instance);
+		tny_iterator_next (iter);
+	}
+	g_object_unref (iter);
+	g_object_unref (folders);
+static const gchar*
+get_root_name (TnyFolderStore *folder_store)
+	const gchar *root_name;
+	if (TNY_IS_ACCOUNT (folder_store))
+		root_name = tny_account_get_name (TNY_ACCOUNT (folder_store));
+	else
+		root_name = _("Folder bag");
+	return root_name;
+static void
+get_folders_cb (TnyFolderStore *fstore, gboolean cancelled, TnyList *list, GError *err, gpointer user_data)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *self = (TnyGtkFolderListStore *) user_data;
+	GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (self);
+	GtkTreeIter iter;
+	GtkTreeIter name_iter;
+	gboolean found = FALSE;
+	g_object_unref (list);
+	/* Note that the very first time, this code will pull all folder info.
+	 * Note that when it runs, you'll see LIST commands happen on the IMAP
+	 * socket. Especially the first time. You'll also see STATUS commands 
+	 * happen. This is, indeed, normal behaviour when this component is used.*/
+	/* But first, let's find-back that damn account so that we have the
+	 * actual iter behind it in the model. */
+	if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter))
+	  do 
+	  {
+		GObject *citem;
+		gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, 
+			&citem, -1);
+		if (citem == (GObject *) fstore)
+		{
+			name_iter = iter;
+			found = TRUE;
+			if (citem)
+				g_object_unref (citem);
+			break;
+		}
+		g_object_unref (citem);
+	  } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter));
+	/* We found it, so we'll now just recursively start asking for all its
+	 * folders and subfolders. The recurse_folders_sync can indeed cope with
+	 * folders that already exist (it wont add them a second time). */
+	if (found)
+		recurse_folders_sync (self, fstore, NULL);
+	g_object_unref (self);
+	return;
+static void 
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_on_constatus_changed (TnyAccount *account, TnyConnectionStatus status, TnyGtkFolderListStore *self)
+	TnyList *list = NULL;
+	if (!self || !TNY_IS_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE (self))
+		return;
+	/* This callback handler deals with connection status changes. In case
+	 * we got connected, we can expect that, at least sometimes, new folders
+	 * might have arrived. We'll need to scan for those, so we'll recursively
+	 * start asking the account about its folders. */
+		return;
+	list = tny_simple_list_new ();
+	tny_folder_store_get_folders_async (TNY_FOLDER_STORE (account), 
+		list, self->query, TRUE, get_folders_cb, NULL, g_object_ref (self));
+	return;
+static void 
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_on_changed (TnyAccount *account, TnyGtkFolderListStore *self)
+	GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (self);
+	GtkTreeIter iter;
+	GtkTreeIter name_iter;
+	gboolean found = FALSE;
+	if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter))
+	  do 
+	  {
+		GObject *citem = NULL;
+		gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, 
+			&citem, -1);
+		if (citem == (GObject *) account)
+		{
+			name_iter = iter;
+			found = TRUE;
+			if (citem)
+				g_object_unref (citem);
+			break;
+		}
+		if (citem)
+			g_object_unref (citem);
+	  } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter));
+	if (found) {
+		gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &name_iter,
+				    get_root_name (TNY_FOLDER_STORE (account)), -1);
+	}
+typedef struct
+	GObject *instance;
+	guint handler_id;
+} SignalSlot;
+typedef struct
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *self;
+	TnyAccount *account;
+} AccNotYetReadyInfo;
+static void 
+notify_signal_slots (gpointer user_data, GObject *instance)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *self = (TnyGtkFolderListStore *) user_data;
+	int i=0;
+	for (i=0; i < self->signals->len; i++) {
+		SignalSlot *slot = (SignalSlot *) self->signals->pdata[i];
+		if (slot->instance == instance)
+			slot->instance = NULL;
+	}
+static gboolean
+account_was_not_yet_ready_idle (gpointer user_data)
+	AccNotYetReadyInfo *info = (AccNotYetReadyInfo *) user_data;
+	gboolean repeat = TRUE;
+	if (tny_account_is_ready (info->account))
+	{
+		SignalSlot *slot;
+		slot = g_slice_new (SignalSlot);
+		slot->instance = (GObject *) info->account;
+		slot->handler_id = g_signal_connect (info->account, "connection-status-changed",
+			G_CALLBACK (tny_gtk_folder_list_store_on_constatus_changed), info->self);
+		g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (info->account), notify_signal_slots, info->self);
+		g_ptr_array_add (info->self->signals, slot);
+		slot = g_slice_new (SignalSlot);
+		slot->instance = (GObject *) info->account;
+		slot->handler_id = g_signal_connect (info->account, "changed",
+			G_CALLBACK (tny_gtk_folder_list_store_on_changed), info->self);
+		g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (info->account), notify_signal_slots, info->self);
+		g_ptr_array_add (info->self->signals, slot);
+		tny_gtk_folder_list_store_on_constatus_changed (info->account, 
+			tny_account_get_connection_status (info->account), info->self);
+		tny_gtk_folder_list_store_on_changed (info->account, 
+			info->self);
+		repeat = FALSE;
+	}
+	return repeat;
+static void 
+account_was_not_yet_ready_destroy (gpointer user_data)
+	AccNotYetReadyInfo *info = (AccNotYetReadyInfo *) user_data;
+	g_object_unref (info->account);
+	g_object_unref (info->self);
+	g_slice_free (AccNotYetReadyInfo, user_data);
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_add_i (TnyGtkFolderListStore *self, TnyFolderStore *folder_store, listaddfunc func, const gchar *root_name)
+	GtkListStore *model = GTK_LIST_STORE (self);
+	TnyList *folders = tny_simple_list_new ();
+	GtkTreeIter name_iter;
+	func (model, &name_iter);
+	gtk_list_store_set (model, &name_iter,
+			    -1);
+	/* In case we added a store account, it's possible that the account 
+	 * will have "the account just got connected" events happening. Accounts
+	 * that just got connected might have new folders for us to know about.
+	 * That's why we'll handle connection changes. */
+	if (TNY_IS_STORE_ACCOUNT (folder_store)) {
+		if (!tny_account_is_ready (TNY_ACCOUNT (folder_store))) 
+		{
+			AccNotYetReadyInfo *info = g_slice_new (AccNotYetReadyInfo);
+			info->account = TNY_ACCOUNT (g_object_ref (folder_store));
+			info->self = TNY_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE (g_object_ref (self));
+			g_timeout_add_full (G_PRIORITY_HIGH, 100, 
+				account_was_not_yet_ready_idle, 
+				info, account_was_not_yet_ready_destroy);
+		} else {
+			SignalSlot *slot;
+			slot = g_slice_new (SignalSlot);
+			slot->instance = (GObject *)folder_store; 
+			slot->handler_id = g_signal_connect (folder_store, "connection-status-changed",
+				G_CALLBACK (tny_gtk_folder_list_store_on_constatus_changed), self);
+			g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (folder_store), notify_signal_slots, self);
+			g_ptr_array_add (self->signals, slot);
+			slot = g_slice_new (SignalSlot);
+			slot->instance = (GObject *)folder_store; 
+			slot->handler_id = g_signal_connect (folder_store, "changed",
+				G_CALLBACK (tny_gtk_folder_list_store_on_changed), self);
+			g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (folder_store), notify_signal_slots, self);
+			g_ptr_array_add (self->signals, slot);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Being online at startup is being punished by this: it'll have to
+	 * wait for the connection operation to finish before this queued item
+	 * will get its turn. TNY TODO: figure out how we can avoid this and
+	 * already return the offline folders (if we had those from a session
+	 * before this one) */
+	tny_folder_store_get_folders_async (TNY_FOLDER_STORE (folder_store), 
+		folders, self->query, TRUE,  get_folders_cb, NULL, g_object_ref (self));
+	/* Add an observer for the root folder store, so that we can observe 
+	 * the actual account too. */
+	add_folder_store_observer_weak (self, folder_store);
+	/* g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (folders)); */
+	return;
+ * tny_gtk_folder_list_store_new:
+ * @query: the #TnyFolderStoreQuery that will be used to retrieve the child folders of each #TnyFolderStore
+ *
+ * Create a new #GtkTreeModel for showing #TnyFolderStore instances, with default flags
+ * 
+ * returns: (caller-owns): a new #GtkTreeModel for #TnyFolderStore instances
+ * since: 1.0
+ * audience: application-developer
+ **/
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_new (TnyFolderStoreQuery *query)
+	return tny_gtk_folder_list_store_new_with_flags (query, 0);
+ * tny_gtk_folder_list_store_new:
+ * @query: the #TnyFolderStoreQuery that will be used to retrieve the child folders of each #TnyFolderStore
+ * @flags: #TnyGtkFolderListStoreFlags for setting the store
+ *
+ * Create a new #GtkTreeModel for showing #TnyFolderStore instances
+ * 
+ * returns: (caller-owns): a new #GtkTreeModel for #TnyFolderStore instances
+ * since: 1.0
+ * audience: application-developer
+ **/
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_new_with_flags (TnyFolderStoreQuery *query,
+						TnyGtkFolderListStoreFlags flags)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *self = g_object_new (TNY_TYPE_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE, NULL);
+	if (query) 
+		self->query = g_object_ref (query);
+	self->flags = flags;
+	return GTK_TREE_MODEL (self);
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_finalize (GObject *object)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*) object;
+	int i = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < me->signals->len; i++) {
+		SignalSlot *slot = (SignalSlot *) me->signals->pdata [i];
+		if (slot->instance) {
+			g_signal_handler_disconnect (slot->instance, slot->handler_id);
+			g_object_weak_unref (G_OBJECT (slot->instance), notify_signal_slots, object);
+		}
+		g_slice_free (SignalSlot, slot);
+	}
+	g_ptr_array_free (me->signals, TRUE);
+	me->signals = NULL;
+	if (me->fol_obs)
+		g_list_free (me->fol_obs);
+	me->fol_obs = NULL;
+	if (me->store_obs)
+		g_list_free (me->store_obs);
+	me->store_obs = NULL;
+	g_mutex_lock (me->iterator_lock);
+	if (me->first) {
+		if (me->first_needs_unref)
+			g_list_foreach (me->first, (GFunc)g_object_unref, NULL);
+		me->first_needs_unref = FALSE;
+		g_list_free (me->first); 
+	}
+	me->first = NULL;
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->iterator_lock);
+	g_mutex_free (me->iterator_lock);
+	me->iterator_lock = NULL;
+	if (me->query)
+		g_object_unref (me->query);
+	(*parent_class->finalize) (object);
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_class_init (TnyGtkFolderListStoreClass *class)
+	GObjectClass *object_class;
+	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class);
+	object_class = (GObjectClass*) class;
+	object_class->finalize = tny_gtk_folder_list_store_finalize;
+	return;
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_instance_init (GTypeInstance *instance, gpointer g_class)
+	GtkListStore *store = (GtkListStore*) instance;
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*) instance;
+	me->signals = g_ptr_array_new ();
+	me->fol_obs = NULL;
+	me->store_obs = NULL;
+	me->iterator_lock = g_mutex_new ();
+	me->first_needs_unref = FALSE;
+	me->flags = 0;
+	gtk_list_store_set_column_types (store, 
+	return;
+static TnyIterator*
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_create_iterator (TnyList *self)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*)self;
+	/* Return a new iterator */
+	return TNY_ITERATOR (_tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_new (me));
+ * tny_gtk_folder_list_store_prepend:
+ * @self: a #TnyGtkFolderListStore
+ * @item: a #TnyFolderStore to add
+ * @root_name: The node's root name 
+ *
+ * Prepends an item to the model
+ *
+ * since: 1.0
+ * audience: application-developer
+ **/
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_prepend (TnyGtkFolderListStore *self, TnyFolderStore* item, const gchar *root_name)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*)self;
+	g_mutex_lock (me->iterator_lock);
+	/* Prepend something to the list */
+	me->first = g_list_prepend (me->first, item);
+	tny_gtk_folder_list_store_add_i (me, TNY_FOLDER_STORE (item), 
+		gtk_list_store_prepend, root_name);
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->iterator_lock);
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_prepend_i (TnyList *self, GObject* item)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*)self;
+	g_mutex_lock (me->iterator_lock);
+	/* Prepend something to the list */
+	me->first = g_list_prepend (me->first, item);
+	tny_gtk_folder_list_store_add_i (me, TNY_FOLDER_STORE (item), 
+		gtk_list_store_prepend, get_root_name (TNY_FOLDER_STORE (item)));
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->iterator_lock);
+ * tny_gtk_folder_list_store_append:
+ * @self: a #TnyGtkFolderListStore
+ * @item: a #TnyFolderStore to add
+ * @root_name: The node's root name 
+ *
+ * Appends an item to the model
+ *
+ * since: 1.0
+ * audience: application-developer
+ **/
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_append (TnyGtkFolderListStore *self, TnyFolderStore* item, const gchar *root_name)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*)self;
+	g_mutex_lock (me->iterator_lock);
+	/* Append something to the list */
+	me->first = g_list_append (me->first, item);
+	tny_gtk_folder_list_store_add_i (me, TNY_FOLDER_STORE (item), 
+		gtk_list_store_append, root_name);
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->iterator_lock);
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_append_i (TnyList *self, GObject* item)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*)self;
+	g_mutex_lock (me->iterator_lock);
+	/* Append something to the list */
+	me->first = g_list_append (me->first, item);
+	tny_gtk_folder_list_store_add_i (me, TNY_FOLDER_STORE (item), 
+		gtk_list_store_append, get_root_name (TNY_FOLDER_STORE (item)));
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->iterator_lock);
+static guint
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_get_length (TnyList *self)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*)self;
+	guint retval = 0;
+	g_mutex_lock (me->iterator_lock);
+	retval = me->first?g_list_length (me->first):0;
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->iterator_lock);
+	return retval;
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_remove (TnyList *self, GObject* item)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*)self;
+	GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (me);
+	GtkTreeIter iter;
+	g_return_if_fail (G_IS_OBJECT (item));
+	g_return_if_fail (G_IS_OBJECT (me));
+	/* Remove something from the list */
+	g_mutex_lock (me->iterator_lock);
+	me->first = g_list_remove (me->first, (gconstpointer)item);
+	/* This doesn't have to be recursive as only the first-level folders are
+	   actually really part of the list. */
+	if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter))
+	  do 
+	  {
+		GObject *citem = NULL;
+		gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, 
+			&citem, -1);
+		if (citem == item)
+		{
+			/* This removes a reference count */
+			gtk_list_store_remove (GTK_LIST_STORE (me), &iter);
+			if (citem)
+				g_object_unref (citem);
+			break;
+		}
+		if (citem)
+			g_object_unref (citem);
+	  } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter));
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->iterator_lock);
+static TnyList*
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_copy_the_list (TnyList *self)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*)self;
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *copy = g_object_new (TNY_TYPE_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE, NULL);
+	GList *list_copy = NULL;
+	/* This only copies the TnyList pieces. The result is not a correct or good
+	   TnyHeaderListModel. But it will be a correct TnyList instance. It's the 
+	   only thing the user of this method expects (that is the contract of it).
+	   The new list will point to the same instances, of course. It's only a 
+	   copy of the list-nodes of course. */
+	g_mutex_lock (me->iterator_lock);
+	list_copy = g_list_copy (me->first);
+	g_list_foreach (list_copy, (GFunc)g_object_ref, NULL);
+	copy->first_needs_unref = TRUE;
+	copy->first = list_copy;
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->iterator_lock);
+	return TNY_LIST (copy);
+static void 
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_foreach_in_the_list (TnyList *self, GFunc func, gpointer user_data)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*)self;
+	/* Foreach item in the list (without using a slower iterator) */
+	g_mutex_lock (me->iterator_lock);
+	g_list_foreach (me->first, func, user_data);
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->iterator_lock);
+	return;
+typedef struct _FindParentHelperInfo {
+	GtkTreeIter *iter;
+	TnyFolder *folder;
+	TnyAccount *account;
+	gboolean found;
+} FindParentHelperInfo;
+static gboolean
+find_parent_helper (GtkTreeModel *model,
+		    GtkTreePath *path,
+		    GtkTreeIter *iter,
+		    gpointer userdata)
+	TnyFolderStore *folder_store;
+	FindParentHelperInfo *helper_info = (FindParentHelperInfo *) userdata;
+	TnyList *children;
+	TnyIterator *iterator;
+	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 
+			    &folder_store, -1);
+	/* Only search on same account */
+	if (TNY_IS_ACCOUNT (folder_store) && ((TnyAccount *)folder_store == helper_info->account))
+		return FALSE;
+	if (TNY_IS_FOLDER (folder_store)) {
+		TnyAccount *account = NULL;
+		account = tny_folder_get_account (TNY_FOLDER (folder_store));
+		g_object_unref (account);
+		if (account == helper_info->account)
+			return FALSE;
+	}
+	children = TNY_LIST (tny_simple_list_new ());
+	tny_folder_store_get_folders (folder_store, children, NULL, FALSE, NULL);
+	iterator = tny_list_create_iterator (children);
+	while (!tny_iterator_is_done (iterator)) {
+		TnyFolderStore *child;
+		child = (TnyFolderStore *) tny_iterator_get_current (iterator);
+		g_object_unref (child);
+		if (child == (TnyFolderStore *) helper_info->folder) {
+			helper_info->found = TRUE;
+			*helper_info->iter = *iter;
+			break;
+		}
+		tny_iterator_next (iterator);
+	}
+	g_object_unref (iterator);
+	g_object_unref (children);
+	return helper_info->found;
+static gboolean
+find_parent (GtkTreeModel *model, TnyFolder *folder, GtkTreeIter *iter)
+	FindParentHelperInfo *helper_info;
+	gboolean result;
+	helper_info = g_slice_new0 (FindParentHelperInfo);
+	helper_info->folder = folder;
+	helper_info->iter = iter;
+	helper_info->account = tny_folder_get_account (folder);
+	gtk_tree_model_foreach (model, find_parent_helper, helper_info);
+	g_object_unref (helper_info->account);
+	result = helper_info->found;
+	g_slice_free (FindParentHelperInfo, helper_info);
+	return result;
+typedef struct _FindHelperInfo {
+	GtkTreeIter *iter;
+	TnyFolder *folder;
+	gboolean found;
+} FindHelperInfo;
+static gboolean
+find_node_helper (GtkTreeModel *model,
+		  GtkTreePath *path,
+		  GtkTreeIter *iter,
+		  gpointer userdata)
+	TnyFolderStore *folder_store;
+	FindHelperInfo *helper_info = (FindHelperInfo *) userdata;
+	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 
+			    &folder_store, -1);
+	if ((TnyFolderStore *) helper_info->folder == folder_store) {
+		helper_info->found = TRUE;
+		*helper_info->iter = *iter;
+	}
+	return helper_info->found;
+static gboolean
+find_node (GtkTreeModel *model, TnyFolder *folder, GtkTreeIter *iter)
+	FindHelperInfo *helper_info;
+	gboolean result;
+	helper_info = g_slice_new0 (FindHelperInfo);
+	helper_info->folder = folder;
+	helper_info->iter = iter;
+	gtk_tree_model_foreach (model, find_node_helper, helper_info);
+	result = helper_info->found;
+	g_slice_free (FindHelperInfo, helper_info);
+	return result;
+static void
+update_children_names (GtkTreeModel *model, TnyFolder *folder, const gchar *name)
+	TnyList *children;
+	TnyIterator *iterator;
+	children = TNY_LIST (tny_simple_list_new ());
+	iterator = tny_list_create_iterator (children);
+	while (!tny_iterator_is_done (iterator)) {
+		GtkTreeIter iter;
+		TnyFolder *child;
+		child = TNY_FOLDER (tny_iterator_get_current (iterator));
+		if (find_node (model, child, &iter)) {
+			gchar *new_name;
+			new_name = g_strconcat (name, PATH_SEPARATOR,
+						tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (child)),
+						NULL);
+			gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter,
+					    new_name,
+					    -1);
+			update_children_names (model, child, new_name);
+			g_free (new_name);
+		}
+		g_object_unref (folder);
+		tny_iterator_next (iterator);
+	}
+	g_object_unref (iterator);
+	g_object_unref (children);
+static gboolean 
+updater (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreePath *path, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data1)
+	TnyFolderType type = TNY_FOLDER_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+	TnyFolderChange *change = user_data1;
+	TnyFolder *changed_folder = tny_folder_change_get_folder (change);
+	TnyFolderChangeChanged changed = tny_folder_change_get_changed (change);
+	/* This updater will get the folder out of the model, compare with 
+	 * the changed_folder pointer, and if there's a match it will update
+	 * the values of the model with the values from the folder. */
+	For your debugging advertures:
+	print ((TnyCamelFolderPriv *) g_type_instance_get_private \
+		(tny_iterator_get_current (tny_list_create_iterator \
+		(((TnyMergeFolderPriv *) g_type_instance_get_private \
+		(folder, tny_merge_folder_get_type()))->mothers)), \
+		tny_camel_folder_get_type()))->folder->summary->messages->len
+	print * (CamelLocalFolder *) ((TnyCamelFolderPriv *) \
+		g_type_instance_get_private (tny_iterator_get_current \
+		(tny_list_create_iterator (((TnyMergeFolderPriv *) \
+		g_type_instance_get_private (folder, \
+		tny_merge_folder_get_type()))->mothers)), \
+		tny_camel_folder_get_type()))->folder
+	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 
+		&type, -1);
+	if (type != TNY_FOLDER_TYPE_ROOT) 
+	{
+		TnyFolder *folder;
+		gint unread, total;
+		gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 
+			&folder, -1);
+			total = tny_folder_change_get_new_all_count (change);
+		else
+			total = tny_folder_get_all_count (folder);
+			unread = tny_folder_change_get_new_unread_count (change);
+		else
+			unread = tny_folder_get_unread_count (folder);
+		if (folder == changed_folder)
+		{
+			/* TNY TODO: This is not enough: Subfolders will be incorrect because the
+			   the full_name of the subfolders will still be the old full_name!*/
+			gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), iter,
+				unread,
+				total, -1);
+				GtkTreeIter parent_iter;
+				gchar *name = NULL;
+				if (TNY_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE (model)->flags &
+					if (find_parent (model, folder, &parent_iter)) {
+						gchar *parent_name;
+						gtk_tree_model_get (model, &parent_iter, 
+								    &parent_name, -1);
+						if (parent_name && parent_name[0] == '\0')
+							name = g_strconcat (parent_name, PATH_SEPARATOR,
+									    tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
+									    NULL);
+						g_free (parent_name);
+					}
+				}
+				if (name == NULL)
+					name = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)));
+				gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), iter,
+						    name,
+						    -1);
+				if (TNY_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE (model)->flags &
+					update_children_names (model, folder, name);
+				}
+				g_free (name);
+			}
+		}
+		g_object_unref (folder);
+	}
+	g_object_unref (changed_folder);
+	return FALSE;
+static gboolean 
+deleter (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreePath *path, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data1)
+	gboolean retval = FALSE;
+	TnyFolderType type = TNY_FOLDER_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+	GObject *folder = user_data1;
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*) model;
+	/* The deleter will compare all folders in the model with the deleted 
+	 * folder @folder, and if there's a match it will delete the folder's
+	 * row from the model. */
+	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 
+		&type, -1);
+	if (type != TNY_FOLDER_TYPE_ROOT) 
+	{
+		GObject *fol = NULL;
+		gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 
+			&fol, -1);
+		if (fol == folder) {
+			remove_folder_observer_weak (me, TNY_FOLDER (folder), FALSE);
+			remove_folder_store_observer_weak (me, TNY_FOLDER_STORE (folder), FALSE);
+			gtk_list_store_remove (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), iter);
+			retval = TRUE;
+		}
+		if (fol)
+			g_object_unref (fol);
+	}
+	return retval;
+static gboolean
+creater (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreePath *path, GtkTreeIter *in_iter, gpointer user_data)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *self = (TnyGtkFolderListStore*) model;
+	TnyFolderStore *fol = NULL;
+	gboolean found = FALSE;
+	const gchar *mid = NULL, *sid = NULL;
+	TnyFolderStoreChange *change = (TnyFolderStoreChange *) user_data;
+	TnyFolderStore *parent_store;
+	GtkTreeIter iter;
+	/* This creater will get the store out of the model, compare with 
+	 * the change's store pointer, and if there's a match it will add the
+	 * the created folders to the model at that location. */
+	if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, path)) {
+		g_warning ("Internal state of the TnyGtkFolderListStore is corrupted\n");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	parent_store = tny_folder_store_change_get_folder_store (change);
+	gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, 
+		&fol, -1);
+	if (fol == parent_store)
+		found = TRUE;
+	if (!found) {
+		TnyAccount *maccount = NULL, *saccount = NULL;
+		const gchar *ma_id = NULL, *sa_id = NULL;
+		if (fol && TNY_IS_FOLDER (fol)) {
+			mid = tny_folder_get_id (TNY_FOLDER (fol));
+			if (!TNY_IS_MERGE_FOLDER (fol))
+				maccount = tny_folder_get_account (TNY_FOLDER (fol));
+			if (maccount)
+				ma_id = tny_account_get_id (maccount);
+		}
+		if (parent_store && TNY_IS_FOLDER (parent_store)) {
+			sid = tny_folder_get_id (TNY_FOLDER (parent_store));
+			if (!TNY_IS_MERGE_FOLDER (parent_store))
+				saccount = tny_folder_get_account (TNY_FOLDER (parent_store));
+			if (saccount)
+				sa_id = tny_account_get_id (saccount);
+		}
+		if (sid && mid && !strcmp (sid, mid)) {
+			if (ma_id && sa_id) {
+				if (!strcmp (ma_id, sa_id))
+					found = TRUE;
+			} else {
+				found = TRUE;
+			}
+		}
+		if (maccount)
+			g_object_unref (maccount);
+		if (saccount)
+			g_object_unref (saccount);
+	}
+	if (found) 
+	{
+		TnyList *created = tny_simple_list_new ();
+		TnyIterator *miter;
+		gchar *parent_name;
+		tny_folder_store_change_get_created_folders (change, created);
+		miter = tny_list_create_iterator (created);
+		/* We assume parent name is already the expected one in full path style */
+		gtk_tree_model_get (model, in_iter,
+				    TNY_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE_NAME_COLUMN, &parent_name, 
+				    -1);
+		while (!tny_iterator_is_done (miter))
+		{
+			GtkTreeIter newiter;
+			TnyFolder *folder = TNY_FOLDER (tny_iterator_get_current (miter));
+			gchar *finalname;
+			add_folder_observer_weak (self, folder);
+			add_folder_store_observer_weak (self, TNY_FOLDER_STORE (folder));
+			/* This adds a reference count to folder_store too. When it gets 
+			   removed, that reference count is decreased automatically by 
+			   the gtktreestore infrastructure. */
+			if (TNY_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE (self)->flags &
+				if (parent_name && *parent_name != '\0')
+					finalname = g_strconcat (parent_name, PATH_SEPARATOR,
+								 tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)), NULL);
+				else
+					finalname = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)));
+			} else {
+				finalname = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)));
+			}
+			gtk_list_store_prepend (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &newiter);
+			gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &newiter,
+				finalname,
+				tny_folder_get_unread_count (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
+				tny_folder_get_all_count (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
+				tny_folder_get_folder_type (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
+				folder, -1);
+			g_free (finalname);
+			g_object_unref (folder);
+			tny_iterator_next (miter);
+		}
+		g_free (parent_name);
+		g_object_unref (miter);
+		g_object_unref (created);
+	}
+	if (fol)
+		g_object_unref (fol);
+	if (parent_store)
+		g_object_unref (parent_store);
+	return found;
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_folder_obsr_update (TnyFolderObserver *self, TnyFolderChange *change)
+	TnyFolderChangeChanged changed = tny_folder_change_get_changed (change);
+	GtkTreeModel *model = (GtkTreeModel *) self;
+	{
+		gtk_tree_model_foreach (model, updater, change);
+	}
+	return;
+static void 
+delete_these_folders (GtkTreeModel *model, TnyList *list)
+		TnyIterator *miter;
+		miter = tny_list_create_iterator (list);
+		while (!tny_iterator_is_done (miter))
+		{
+			TnyFolder *folder = TNY_FOLDER (tny_iterator_get_current (miter));
+			gtk_tree_model_foreach (model, deleter, folder);
+			g_object_unref (folder);
+			tny_iterator_next (miter);
+		}
+		g_object_unref (miter);
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_store_obsr_update (TnyFolderStoreObserver *self, TnyFolderStoreChange *change)
+	TnyFolderStoreChangeChanged changed = tny_folder_store_change_get_changed (change);
+	GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (self);
+		/* TnyList *created = tny_simple_list_new ();
+		 * tny_folder_store_change_get_created_folders (change, created);
+		 * delete_these_folders (model, created);
+		 * g_object_unref (created); */
+		gtk_tree_model_foreach (model, creater, change);
+	}
+	{
+		TnyList *removed = tny_simple_list_new ();
+		tny_folder_store_change_get_removed_folders (change, removed);
+		delete_these_folders (model, removed);
+		g_object_unref (removed);
+	}
+	return;
+static void
+tny_folder_store_observer_init (TnyFolderStoreObserverIface *klass)
+	klass->update= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_store_obsr_update;
+static void
+tny_folder_observer_init (TnyFolderObserverIface *klass)
+	klass->update= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_folder_obsr_update;
+static void
+tny_list_init (TnyListIface *klass)
+	klass->get_length= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_get_length;
+	klass->prepend= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_prepend_i;
+	klass->append= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_append_i;
+	klass->remove= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_remove;
+	klass->create_iterator= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_create_iterator;
+	klass->copy= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_copy_the_list;
+	klass->foreach= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_foreach_in_the_list;
+	return;
+static gpointer
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_register_type (gpointer notused)
+	GType type = 0;
+	static const GTypeInfo info = 
+		{
+		  sizeof (TnyGtkFolderListStoreClass),
+		  NULL,   /* base_init */
+		  NULL,   /* base_finalize */
+		  (GClassInitFunc) tny_gtk_folder_list_store_class_init,   /* class_init */
+		  NULL,   /* class_finalize */
+		  NULL,   /* class_data */
+		  sizeof (TnyGtkFolderListStore),
+		  0,      /* n_preallocs */
+		  tny_gtk_folder_list_store_instance_init    /* instance_init */
+		};
+	static const GInterfaceInfo tny_list_info = {
+		(GInterfaceInitFunc) tny_list_init,
+		NULL,
+	};
+	static const GInterfaceInfo tny_folder_store_observer_info = {
+		(GInterfaceInitFunc) tny_folder_store_observer_init,
+		NULL,
+	};
+	static const GInterfaceInfo tny_folder_observer_info = {
+		(GInterfaceInitFunc) tny_folder_observer_init,
+		NULL,
+	};
+	type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_LIST_STORE, "TnyGtkFolderListStore",
+				       &info, 0);
+	g_type_add_interface_static (type, TNY_TYPE_LIST,
+				     &tny_list_info);
+	g_type_add_interface_static (type, TNY_TYPE_FOLDER_STORE_OBSERVER,
+				     &tny_folder_store_observer_info);
+	g_type_add_interface_static (type, TNY_TYPE_FOLDER_OBSERVER,
+				     &tny_folder_observer_info);
+	return GUINT_TO_POINTER (type);
+ * tny_gtk_folder_list_store_get_type:
+ *
+ * GType system helper function
+ *
+ * returns: a #GType
+ **/
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_get_type (void)
+	static GOnce once = G_ONCE_INIT;
+	g_once (&once, tny_gtk_folder_list_store_register_type, NULL);
+	return GPOINTER_TO_UINT (once.retval);
+static gpointer
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_column_register_type (gpointer notused)
+  static GType etype = 0;
+  static const GEnumValue values[] = {
+      { 0, NULL, NULL }
+  };
+  etype = g_enum_register_static ("TnyGtkFolderListStoreColumn", values);
+  return GUINT_TO_POINTER (etype);
+ * tny_gtk_folder_list_store_column_get_type:
+ *
+ * GType system helper function
+ *
+ * returns: a #GType
+ **/
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_column_get_type (void)
+	static GOnce once = G_ONCE_INIT;
+	g_once (&once, tny_gtk_folder_list_store_column_register_type, NULL);
+	return GPOINTER_TO_UINT (once.retval);
Index: libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store.h
--- libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store.h	(revisión: 0)
+++ libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store.h	(revisión: 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+/* libtinymailui-gtk - The Tiny Mail UI library for Gtk+
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Philip Van Hoof <pvanhoof gnome org>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with self library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <tny-folder-store.h>
+#include <tny-folder-store-query.h>
+#include <tny-list.h>
+#define TNY_TYPE_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE             (tny_gtk_folder_list_store_get_type ())
+/* Implements GtkTreeModel and TnyList */
+typedef struct _TnyGtkFolderListStore TnyGtkFolderListStore;
+typedef struct _TnyGtkFolderListStoreClass TnyGtkFolderListStoreClass;
+#define TNY_TYPE_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE_COLUMN (tny_gtk_folder_list_store_column_get_type())
+enum _TnyGtkFolderListStoreColumn
+typedef enum _TnyGtkFolderListStoreColumn TnyGtkFolderListStoreColumn;
+enum _TnyGtkFolderListStoreFlags
+typedef enum _TnyGtkFolderListStoreFlags TnyGtkFolderListStoreFlags;
+struct _TnyGtkFolderListStore
+	GtkTreeStore parent;
+	GList *first, *store_obs, *fol_obs;
+	GMutex *iterator_lock;
+	TnyFolderStoreQuery *query;
+	gboolean first_needs_unref;
+	GPtrArray *signals;
+	TnyGtkFolderListStoreFlags flags;
+struct _TnyGtkFolderListStoreClass
+	GtkTreeStoreClass parent_class;
+GType tny_gtk_folder_list_store_get_type (void);
+GType tny_gtk_folder_list_store_column_get_type (void);
+GtkTreeModel* tny_gtk_folder_list_store_new (TnyFolderStoreQuery *query);
+GtkTreeModel* tny_gtk_folder_list_store_new_with_flags (TnyFolderStoreQuery *query, 
+							      TnyGtkFolderListStoreFlags flags);
+void tny_gtk_folder_list_store_prepend (TnyGtkFolderListStore *self, TnyFolderStore* item, const gchar *root_name);
+void tny_gtk_folder_list_store_append (TnyGtkFolderListStore *self, TnyFolderStore* item, const gchar *root_name);
Index: libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store-iterator-priv.h
--- libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store-iterator-priv.h	(revisión: 0)
+++ libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store-iterator-priv.h	(revisión: 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* libtinymail- The Tiny Mail base library
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Philip Van Hoof <pvanhoof gnome org>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with self library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <tny-shared.h>
+#include <tny-list.h>
+#include <tny-iterator.h>
+#include <tny-gtk-folder-list-store.h>
+#define TNY_TYPE_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE_ITERATOR             (_tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_get_type ())
+typedef struct _TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator;
+typedef struct _TnyGtkFolderListStoreIteratorClass TnyGtkFolderListStoreIteratorClass;
+struct _TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator
+	GObject parent;
+	TnyGtkFolderListStore *model;
+	GList *current;
+struct _TnyGtkFolderListStoreIteratorClass 
+	GObjectClass parent;
+void _tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_set_model (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *self, TnyGtkFolderListStore *model);
+TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator* _tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_new (TnyGtkFolderListStore *model);
Index: libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store-iterator.c
--- libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store-iterator.c	(revisión: 0)
+++ libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-list-store-iterator.c	(revisión: 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+/* libtinymail - The Tiny Mail base library
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Philip Van Hoof <pvanhoof gnome org>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with self library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <tny-gtk-folder-list-store.h>
+static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
+#include "tny-gtk-folder-list-store-iterator-priv.h"
+GType _tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_get_type (void);
+_tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_set_model (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *self, TnyGtkFolderListStore *model)
+	if (self->model)
+		g_object_unref (self->model);
+	self->model = g_object_ref (model);
+	self->current = model->first;
+	return;
+_tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_new (TnyGtkFolderListStore *model)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *self = g_object_new (TNY_TYPE_GTK_FOLDER_LIST_STORE_ITERATOR, NULL);
+	_tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_set_model (self, model);
+	return self;
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_instance_init (GTypeInstance *instance, gpointer g_class)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *self = (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *)instance;
+	self->model = NULL;
+	self->current = NULL;
+	return;
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_finalize (GObject *object)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *self = (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *) object;
+	if (self->model)
+		g_object_unref (self->model);
+	(*parent_class->finalize) (object);
+	return;
+static void
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_next (TnyIterator *self)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator*) self;
+	if (G_UNLIKELY (!me || !me->current || !me->model))
+		return;
+	/* Move the iterator to the next node */
+	g_mutex_lock (me->model->iterator_lock);
+	me->current = g_list_next (me->current);
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->model->iterator_lock);
+	return;
+static void 
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_prev (TnyIterator *self)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator*) self;
+	if (G_UNLIKELY (!me || !me->current || !me->model))
+		return;
+	/* Move the iterator to the previous node */
+	g_mutex_lock (me->model->iterator_lock);
+	me->current = g_list_previous (me->current);
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->model->iterator_lock);
+	return;
+static gboolean 
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_is_done (TnyIterator *self)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator*) self;
+	if (G_UNLIKELY (!me || !me->model))
+		return TRUE;
+	return me->current == NULL;
+static void 
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_first (TnyIterator *self)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator*) self;
+	if (G_UNLIKELY (!me || !me->current || !me->model))
+		return;
+	/* Move the iterator to the first node. We know that model always 
+	   keeps a reference to the first node, there's nothing wrong with 
+	   using that one. */
+	g_mutex_lock (me->model->iterator_lock);
+	me->current = me->model->first;
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->model->iterator_lock);
+	return;
+static void 
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_nth (TnyIterator *self, guint nth)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator*) self;
+	if (G_UNLIKELY (!me || !me->current || !me->model))
+		return;
+	/* Move the iterator to the nth node. We'll count from zero,
+	   so we start with the first node of which we know the model
+	   stored a reference. */
+	g_mutex_lock (me->model->iterator_lock);
+	me->current = g_list_nth (me->model->first, nth);
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->model->iterator_lock);
+	return;
+static GObject* 
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_get_current (TnyIterator *self)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator*) self;
+	gpointer ptr;
+	if (G_UNLIKELY (!me || !me->model))
+		return NULL;
+	/* Give the data of the current node */
+	g_mutex_lock (me->model->iterator_lock);
+	ptr = (G_UNLIKELY (me->current)) ? me->current->data : NULL;
+	g_mutex_unlock (me->model->iterator_lock);
+	if (ptr)
+		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT(ptr));
+	return G_OBJECT(ptr);
+static TnyList* 
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_get_list (TnyIterator *self)
+	TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator *me = (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator*) self;
+	/* Return the list */
+	if (G_UNLIKELY (!me || !me->model))
+		return NULL;
+    	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (me->model));
+	return TNY_LIST (me->model);
+static void
+tny_iterator_init (TnyIteratorIface *klass)
+	klass->next= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_next;
+	klass->prev= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_prev;
+	klass->first= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_first;
+	klass->nth= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_nth;
+	klass->get_current= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_get_current;
+	klass->get_list= tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_get_list;
+	klass->is_done  = tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_is_done;
+	return;
+static void 
+tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_class_init (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIteratorClass *klass)
+	GObjectClass *object_class;
+	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
+	object_class = (GObjectClass*) klass;
+	object_class->finalize = tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_finalize;
+	return;
+static gpointer
+_tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_register_type (gpointer notused)
+	GType type = 0;
+	static const GTypeInfo info = 
+		{
+		  sizeof (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIteratorClass),
+		  NULL,   /* base_init */
+		  NULL,   /* base_finalize */
+		  (GClassInitFunc) tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_class_init,   /* class_init */
+		  NULL,   /* class_finalize */
+		  NULL,   /* class_data */
+		  sizeof (TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator),
+		  0,      /* n_preallocs */
+		  tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_instance_init,    /* instance_init */
+		  NULL
+		};
+	static const GInterfaceInfo tny_iterator_info = 
+		{
+		  (GInterfaceInitFunc) tny_iterator_init, /* interface_init */
+		  NULL,         /* interface_finalize */
+		  NULL          /* interface_data */
+		};
+	type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT,
+				       "TnyGtkFolderListStoreIterator",
+				       &info, 0);
+	g_type_add_interface_static (type, TNY_TYPE_ITERATOR, 
+				     &tny_iterator_info);
+	return GUINT_TO_POINTER (type);
+_tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_get_type (void)
+	static GOnce once = G_ONCE_INIT;
+	g_once (&once, _tny_gtk_folder_list_store_iterator_register_type, NULL);
+	return GPOINTER_TO_UINT (once.retval);
Index: libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model.c
--- libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model.c	(revisión: 3824)
+++ libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model.c	(copia de trabajo)
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@
 #include "tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model-iterator-priv.h"
+#define PATH_SEPARATOR " "
 static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
 typedef void (*treeaddfunc) (GtkTreeStore *tree_store, GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkTreeIter *parent);
@@ -109,7 +111,10 @@
 static void
-recurse_folders_sync (TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModel *self, TnyFolderStore *store, GtkTreeIter *parent_tree_iter)
+recurse_folders_sync (TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModel *self, 
+		      TnyFolderStore *store, 
+		      const gchar *parent_name,
+		      GtkTreeIter *parent_tree_iter)
 	TnyIterator *iter;
 	TnyList *folders = tny_simple_list_new ();
@@ -118,6 +123,9 @@
 	tny_folder_store_get_folders (store, folders, self->query, TRUE, NULL);
 	iter = tny_list_create_iterator (folders);
+	if (parent_name == NULL)
+		parent_name = "";
 	while (!tny_iterator_is_done (iter))
 		GtkTreeModel *mmodel = (GtkTreeModel *) self;
@@ -186,6 +194,7 @@
 		if (!found)
+			gchar *name;
 			gtk_tree_store_append (model, &tree_iter, parent_tree_iter);
 			/* Making self both a folder-store as a folder observer
@@ -201,9 +210,22 @@
 				add_folder_observer_weak (self, folder);
+					if ((parent_name == NULL) || *parent_name == '\0') {
+						name = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (folder));
+					} else {
+						name = g_strconcat (parent_name,
+								    PATH_SEPARATOR,
+								    tny_folder_get_name (folder), 
+								    NULL);
+					}
+				} else {
+					name = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (folder));
+				}
 				gtk_tree_store_set  (model, &tree_iter,
-					tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
+					name,
 					tny_folder_get_unread_count (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
@@ -213,14 +235,18 @@
 					folder, -1);
+			} else {
+				name = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (folder));
 			/* it's a store by itself, so keep on recursing */
 			if (folder_store) {
 				add_folder_store_observer_weak (self, folder_store);
-				recurse_folders_sync (self, folder_store, &tree_iter);
+				recurse_folders_sync (self, folder_store, name, &tree_iter);
+			g_free (name);
 			/* We're a folder, we'll request a status, since we've
 			 * set self to be a folder observers of folder, we'll 
 			 * receive the status update. This makes it possible to
@@ -318,7 +344,7 @@
 	 * folders that already exist (it wont add them a second time). */
 	if (found)
-		recurse_folders_sync (self, fstore, &name_iter);
+		recurse_folders_sync (self, fstore, NULL, &name_iter);
 	g_object_unref (self);
@@ -542,7 +568,7 @@
  * tny_gtk_folder_store_tree_model_new:
  * @query: the #TnyFolderStoreQuery that will be used to retrieve the child folders of each #TnyFolderStore
- * Create a new #GtkTreeModel for showing #TnyFolderStore instances
+ * Create a new #GtkTreeModel for showing #TnyFolderStore instances, with default flags
  * returns: (caller-owns): a new #GtkTreeModel for #TnyFolderStore instances
  * since: 1.0
@@ -551,11 +577,31 @@
 tny_gtk_folder_store_tree_model_new (TnyFolderStoreQuery *query)
+	return tny_gtk_folder_store_tree_model_new_with_flags (query, 0);
+ * tny_gtk_folder_store_tree_model_new:
+ * @query: the #TnyFolderStoreQuery that will be used to retrieve the child folders of each #TnyFolderStore
+ * @flags: #TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModelFlags for setting the store
+ *
+ * Create a new #GtkTreeModel for showing #TnyFolderStore instances
+ * 
+ * returns: (caller-owns): a new #GtkTreeModel for #TnyFolderStore instances
+ * since: 1.0
+ * audience: application-developer
+ **/
+tny_gtk_folder_store_tree_model_new_with_flags (TnyFolderStoreQuery *query,
+						TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModelFlags flags)
 	TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModel *self = g_object_new (TNY_TYPE_GTK_FOLDER_STORE_TREE_MODEL, NULL);
 	if (query) 
 		self->query = g_object_ref (query);
+	self->flags = flags;
 	return GTK_TREE_MODEL (self);
@@ -647,6 +693,8 @@
 	me->iterator_lock = g_mutex_new ();
 	me->first_needs_unref = FALSE;
+	me->flags = 0;
 	gtk_tree_store_set_column_types (store, 
@@ -849,7 +897,167 @@
+typedef struct _FindParentHelperInfo {
+	GtkTreeIter *iter;
+	TnyFolder *folder;
+	TnyAccount *account;
+	gboolean found;
+} FindParentHelperInfo;
+static gboolean
+find_parent_helper (GtkTreeModel *model,
+		    GtkTreePath *path,
+		    GtkTreeIter *iter,
+		    gpointer userdata)
+	TnyFolderStore *folder_store;
+	FindParentHelperInfo *helper_info = (FindParentHelperInfo *) userdata;
+	TnyList *children;
+	TnyIterator *iterator;
+	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 
+			    &folder_store, -1);
+	/* Only search on same account */
+	if (TNY_IS_ACCOUNT (folder_store) && ((TnyAccount *)folder_store == helper_info->account))
+		return FALSE;
+	if (TNY_IS_FOLDER (folder_store)) {
+		TnyAccount *account = NULL;
+		account = tny_folder_get_account (TNY_FOLDER (folder_store));
+		g_object_unref (account);
+		if (account == helper_info->account)
+			return FALSE;
+	}
+	children = TNY_LIST (tny_simple_list_new ());
+	tny_folder_store_get_folders (folder_store, children, NULL, FALSE, NULL);
+	iterator = tny_list_create_iterator (children);
+	while (!tny_iterator_is_done (iterator)) {
+		TnyFolderStore *child;
+		child = (TnyFolderStore *) tny_iterator_get_current (iterator);
+		g_object_unref (child);
+		if (child == (TnyFolderStore *) helper_info->folder) {
+			helper_info->found = TRUE;
+			*helper_info->iter = *iter;
+			break;
+		}
+		tny_iterator_next (iterator);
+	}
+	g_object_unref (iterator);
+	g_object_unref (children);
+	return helper_info->found;
+static gboolean
+find_parent (GtkTreeModel *model, TnyFolder *folder, GtkTreeIter *iter)
+	FindParentHelperInfo *helper_info;
+	gboolean result;
+	helper_info = g_slice_new0 (FindParentHelperInfo);
+	helper_info->folder = folder;
+	helper_info->iter = iter;
+	helper_info->account = tny_folder_get_account (folder);
+	gtk_tree_model_foreach (model, find_parent_helper, helper_info);
+	g_object_unref (helper_info->account);
+	result = helper_info->found;
+	g_slice_free (FindParentHelperInfo, helper_info);
+	return result;
+typedef struct _FindHelperInfo {
+	GtkTreeIter *iter;
+	TnyFolder *folder;
+	gboolean found;
+} FindHelperInfo;
+static gboolean
+find_node_helper (GtkTreeModel *model,
+		  GtkTreePath *path,
+		  GtkTreeIter *iter,
+		  gpointer userdata)
+	TnyFolderStore *folder_store;
+	FindHelperInfo *helper_info = (FindHelperInfo *) userdata;
+	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 
+			    &folder_store, -1);
+	if ((TnyFolderStore *) helper_info->folder == folder_store) {
+		helper_info->found = TRUE;
+		*helper_info->iter = *iter;
+	}
+	return helper_info->found;
+static gboolean
+find_node (GtkTreeModel *model, TnyFolder *folder, GtkTreeIter *iter)
+	FindHelperInfo *helper_info;
+	gboolean result;
+	helper_info = g_slice_new0 (FindHelperInfo);
+	helper_info->folder = folder;
+	helper_info->iter = iter;
+	gtk_tree_model_foreach (model, find_node_helper, helper_info);
+	result = helper_info->found;
+	g_slice_free (FindHelperInfo, helper_info);
+	return result;
+static void
+update_children_names (GtkTreeModel *model, TnyFolder *folder, const gchar *name)
+	TnyList *children;
+	TnyIterator *iterator;
+	children = TNY_LIST (tny_simple_list_new ());
+	iterator = tny_list_create_iterator (children);
+	while (!tny_iterator_is_done (iterator)) {
+		GtkTreeIter iter;
+		TnyFolder *child;
+		child = TNY_FOLDER (tny_iterator_get_current (iterator));
+		if (find_node (model, child, &iter)) {
+			gchar *new_name;
+			new_name = g_strconcat (name, PATH_SEPARATOR,
+						tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (child)),
+						NULL);
+			gtk_tree_store_set (GTK_TREE_STORE (model), &iter,
+					    new_name,
+					    -1);
+			update_children_names (model, child, new_name);
+			g_free (new_name);
+		}
+		g_object_unref (folder);
+		tny_iterator_next (iterator);
+	}
+	g_object_unref (iterator);
+	g_object_unref (children);
 static gboolean 
 updater (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreePath *path, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data1)
@@ -906,17 +1114,50 @@
 		if (folder == changed_folder)
 			/* TNY TODO: This is not enough: Subfolders will be incorrect because the
 			   the full_name of the subfolders will still be the old full_name!*/
 			gtk_tree_store_set (GTK_TREE_STORE (model), iter,
-				tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
 				total, -1);
+				GtkTreeIter parent_iter;
+				gchar *name = NULL;
+				if (TNY_GTK_FOLDER_STORE_TREE_MODEL (model)->flags &
+					if (find_parent (model, folder, &parent_iter)) {
+						gchar *parent_name;
+						gtk_tree_model_get (model, &parent_iter, 
+								    &parent_name, -1);
+						if (parent_name && parent_name[0] == '\0')
+							name = g_strconcat (parent_name, PATH_SEPARATOR,
+									    tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
+									    NULL);
+						g_free (parent_name);
+					}
+				}
+				if (name == NULL)
+					name = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)));
+				gtk_tree_store_set (GTK_TREE_STORE (model), iter,
+						    name,
+						    -1);
+				if (TNY_GTK_FOLDER_STORE_TREE_MODEL (model)->flags &
+					update_children_names (model, folder, name);
+				}
+				g_free (name);
+			}
 		g_object_unref (folder);
@@ -1031,14 +1272,21 @@
 		TnyList *created = tny_simple_list_new ();
 		TnyIterator *miter;
+		gchar *parent_name;
 		tny_folder_store_change_get_created_folders (change, created);
 		miter = tny_list_create_iterator (created);
+		/* We assume parent name is already the expected one in full path style */
+		gtk_tree_model_get (model, in_iter,
+				    -1);
 		while (!tny_iterator_is_done (miter))
 			GtkTreeIter newiter;
 			TnyFolder *folder = TNY_FOLDER (tny_iterator_get_current (miter));
+			gchar *finalname;
 			add_folder_observer_weak (self, folder);
 			add_folder_store_observer_weak (self, TNY_FOLDER_STORE (folder));
@@ -1047,12 +1295,22 @@
 			   removed, that reference count is decreased automatically by 
 			   the gtktreestore infrastructure. */
+			if (TNY_GTK_FOLDER_STORE_TREE_MODEL (self)->flags &
+				if (parent_name && *parent_name != '\0')
+					finalname = g_strconcat (parent_name, PATH_SEPARATOR,
+								 tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)), NULL);
+				else
+					finalname = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)));
+			} else {
+				finalname = g_strdup (tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)));
+			}
 			gtk_tree_store_prepend (GTK_TREE_STORE (model), &newiter, in_iter);
 			gtk_tree_store_set (GTK_TREE_STORE (model), &newiter,
-				tny_folder_get_name (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
+				finalname,
 				tny_folder_get_unread_count (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
@@ -1061,10 +1319,12 @@
 				tny_folder_get_folder_type (TNY_FOLDER (folder)),
 				folder, -1);
+			g_free (finalname);
 			g_object_unref (folder);
 			tny_iterator_next (miter);
+		g_free (parent_name);
 		g_object_unref (miter);
 		g_object_unref (created);
Index: libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model.h
--- libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model.h	(revisión: 3824)
+++ libtinymailui-gtk/tny-gtk-folder-store-tree-model.h	(copia de trabajo)
@@ -54,6 +54,13 @@
 typedef enum _TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModelColumn TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModelColumn;
+enum _TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModelFlags
+typedef enum _TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModelFlags TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModelFlags;
 struct _TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModel
 	GtkTreeStore parent;
@@ -62,6 +69,8 @@
 	TnyFolderStoreQuery *query;
 	gboolean first_needs_unref;
 	GPtrArray *signals;
+	TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModelFlags flags;
 struct _TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModelClass
@@ -72,7 +81,8 @@
 GType tny_gtk_folder_store_tree_model_get_type (void);
 GType tny_gtk_folder_store_tree_model_column_get_type (void);
 GtkTreeModel* tny_gtk_folder_store_tree_model_new (TnyFolderStoreQuery *query);
+GtkTreeModel* tny_gtk_folder_store_tree_model_new_with_flags (TnyFolderStoreQuery *query, 
+							      TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModelFlags flags);
 void tny_gtk_folder_store_tree_model_prepend (TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModel *self, TnyFolderStore* item, const gchar *root_name);
 void tny_gtk_folder_store_tree_model_append (TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModel *self, TnyFolderStore* item, const gchar *root_name);

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