Patch for the MaemoConic device

This patch properly disconnects the "connection-event" signal in the
Maemo Conic device. We're trying to disconnect this signal from the
TnyDevice instead of from the Conic connection. I think this could be
the source of lots of SIGSEV's we're seeing when finalizing.

Index: libtinymail-maemo/tny-maemo-conic-device.c
--- libtinymail-maemo/tny-maemo-conic-device.c	(revision 3544)
+++ libtinymail-maemo/tny-maemo-conic-device.c	(working copy)
@@ -633,7 +633,8 @@
 	g_return_if_fail (obj && G_IS_OBJECT(obj));
-	g_signal_handler_disconnect (obj, priv->signal1);
+	if (g_signal_handler_is_connected (priv->cnx, priv->signal1))
+		g_signal_handler_disconnect (priv->cnx, priv->signal1);
 	if (priv->cnx && CON_IC_IS_CONNECTION(priv->cnx)) {
 		tny_maemo_conic_device_disconnect (TNY_MAEMO_CONIC_DEVICE(obj),priv->iap);

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