Re: Building in maemo: m4 macros not found

Murray Cumming wrote:
> I'm having some trouble building tinymail from svn in a Maemo Bora
> scratchbox environment. I wonder if anybody can see what's wrong. I have
> all the usual autoconf,automake,libtool stuff installed, and I installed
> gnome-common from apt-get for this. Is it necessary to set ACLOCAL_FLAGS
> to something?

Yeah, it's easy to fix that (yes I know Philip, it should be in the trac
:-) ). The m4 files are already supplied by the scratchbox but they're
located in paths not included by default in the search path. So for
example I have the following in my .bashrc:

export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="$ACLOCAL_FLAGS -I /scratchbox/tools/share/aclocal
-I /scratchbox/compilers/`/scratchbox/tools/bin/sb-conf show
-c`/arch_tools/share/aclocal/ -I

With this ones should be enough to build tinymail using bora in wharever
target you could have (note that we select the compiler directory with
the sb-conf tool).


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