Acting on folder changes

Dirk-Jan proposed to make the TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModel a TnyFolder-
Observer (well, proposed ... , he asked after the functionality of what
a folder observer could have: to get itself updated when changes to a
folder happen).

The plan is to put "folder old name, folder new name",  "folder
deleted", "created subfolder", "unread change", "read change", "headers
added" and "headers deleted" in the TnyFolderChange delta object.

After that to trigger notifications to all observers of a TnyFolder
whenever something about that changed.

The TnyGtkFolderStoreTreeModel would auto register itself to each and
every added folder (also the internal ones that got added due to folders
being a tree). It would of course manage the reference counting
automatically (unregister when needed, for example when finalising

If somebody is interested in co-development of this type of stuff, feel
free to get in touch. A wiki page with some design items and decisions
will probably be made.

The ETA for this is going to be or a 2.0 API or (if somebody pays for
this and wants it very very soon) between now and two months. Knowing me
it might also be implemented tomorrow morning (you never know).

This would give application developers a standard component that needs
almost no manual code and that gets auto updated instantly whenever
things change. Be it changes caused by the application itself or changes
caused by external events: for example Push E-mail events.

Philip Van Hoof, software developer
home: me at pvanhoof dot be 
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org

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