Re: Last version of the new summary storage engine

Reference counting fixes. Prepared an API (it has a summary.h now).

On Sun, 2007-12-09 at 13:19 +0100, Philip Van Hoof wrote:
> This latest version of the future summary store uses a hashtable to
> identify the duplicates. As expected makes it the writing of the summary
> a lot faster (hashtables make a hash of each added key-string, which
> makes searching-for-dups a lot faster then my former quickly made doubly
> linked list code for this).
> I'm still hoping to somehow avoid the g_strdup in the code that dumps
> (writes) the summaryblock. Making copies of strings is not really fast.
> I added the necessary locking. The reference counting of the
> summaryblocks is not 100% correct, yet. Although you should get the
> idea:
>   o. Not individual summaryitems but its container summaryblock gets a
>      reference added. 
>   o. Initial load of a summary, which is a container for summaryblocks,
>      creates all summaryitems which will each add one reference to their
>      container summaryblock
>   o. Unload of a summary unloads each summaryblock, which merely means
>      taking the one reference of each of its contained summaryitems.
>   o. Requesting a summaryitem from the summary adds a reference to the
>      container summaryblock of the item.
>   o. Stopping usage of that summaryitem takes away the reference on the
>      container summaryblock
>   o. A summaryblock can live without its container summary
>                     ***
>   o. A summaryitem can't live without its container summaryblock
>                    *****
>   o. A summaryblock contains on average 1000 items
>   o. A summary contains (Item-Amount / 1000) summaryblocks
> I'll repeat the core ideas of this summary store implementation:
>   o. Localisation of mapped memory: often needed strings are placed in
>      the beginning of the mmap()ed file (they are sorted on usage-count
>      by the summaryitems)
>      -> Current summary storage scatters strings around, no matter how
>         often they are used (they are simply duplicated each time in
>         stead resulting in a larger VmSize and in more mapping/swapping
>         operations that have to be done by the kernel)
>   o. Duplicate strings are made unique in the mmap
>      -> Current summary storage scatters duplicate strings around in the
>         mapping. Making the mapping more random (less localised memory
>         access), more redundant (larger VmSize).
>   o. Blocks of 1000 items that can function individually (per block)
>   o. Quick at appending new material: a new writable block is created
>      and the current block is written (if 1000 is reached)
>      -> Current summary storage needs to rewrite the entire summary.mmap
>         file each 5000th item that gets added. This gets hideously slow
>         starting at 15,000 items. Especially on mobile ARM devices.
>   o. Quick at changing the flags of items: a separate file per block is
>      utilised to store the item's flags. Only this sequential file needs
>      to be rewritten when flags of the item(s) changed.
>      -> This is equally slow once you are at 15,000 items.
>   o. Fast searching: because of ideal localisation will often requested
>      strings be mapped in real memory modules (by the kernel).
>   o. Fast but low-memory browsing: currently visible items will be
>      mapped in real memory modules (by the kernel), items that didn't
>      get requested aren't mapped in. Not even touched at initial scan
>      stage.
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