Documentation day

I want to organise a documentation day.

How do you people feel about that? It implies that at least some people
join me at doing a few hours of improving, adding and fixing API
documentation. After that maybe also improving the wiki trac code
samples and adding some documentation to them too.

Maybe two or three other guys? That would be enough to transform our
documentation into something that is really a kick-ass good doc basis.

I might get a student languages (yes, misses Tinne herself) joining us,
so non-native English speakers are welcome too.

I want the documentation to describe what the implementations must do,
and what they must not do. So some technical background of tinymail is
useful (but I will be available for questions, while you are

Yes, no? Who?

Philip Van Hoof, software developer
home: me at pvanhoof dot be 
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org

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