Re: [system-tools] Configuring network interface via liboobs when NetworkManager is running.


IIRC, NetworkManager only handles connexions marked as auto (or not
listed at all, should check that somewhere) in /etc/network/interfaces.
In network-amin (gst tool started from System->Administration->Network),
you can see that those connexions are in "Itinerant mode", which merely
means that NetworkManager takes care of them, and that other tools (the
gst, but also Debian-specific tools like ifup). If you want to configure
an interface (with static IP or even with DHCP) from network-admin, or
use it from ifup/ifdown tools, you'll stop NetworkManager from using it.
Just check that by playing with the check box and the nm-applet list of

So there's no race condition at all, and hopefully the coexistence is
very limited. But why are you interested in this? I wouldn't advise you
to work with network-admin to manage your connexions at this point,
since in more recent versions NetworkManager has much improved. Now,
connexions are no longer handled by network-admin by default, and I
don't plan fixing bugs in that tool any more.


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