[Setup-tool-hackers] small suggesstion


i have a very small suggestion for both red-carpet and the ximian
installer (for RH7.2)

basically in an attempt to fix/upgrade my computer, I have had soooooo
many package verification errors for whatever reason (i think it's just
been transfer issues), that it has taken me over 2 days to get through
the whole thing.. and this is principally because of the way the
installer operates.. upon finding it's first package verification error,
it immediately stops and goes through the whole download/cache thing
again, which can take a while if you have about 120 packages to
install.. even if it is getting all but one package off disk.

so, anyway, my suggestion is that the installer and red-carpet continue
through the verification process until it gets to the end, then goes
through the download/cache thing again, getting all the packages that
failed.. instead of just the one each time..

it's just been annoying me, and i think it would amount to where a loop
exits.. but the difference in time it would have made is huge..

anyway, thanks for listening (well, reading ;)


setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@ximian.com

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